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@Anemone eco

The morals of it, if you ask me, really comes from one's value of human lives/feelings. Cannibalism could be considered immoral due to the fact that it potentially causes direct pain to another of the same species. Some cases even resulting in death. That ties in an illegal factor to it, which means most people believe it to be morally incorrect. There are multiple other things available to eat, so unless it's a life-or-death situation, there should be no real reason to go out of your way to eat one of your own kind and cause them pain.

(this is the best you're getting from me.)

@Pickles group

The morals of getting a human to where it's edible and you'd want to eat it are questionable.

Let's assume Mr. Sarkar wants to be eaten and that takes care of all that.

  1. Do I even want to know what the fuck you're talking about?
  2. No. It really doesn't unless you have a good explanation

@Mojack group

There’s also certain tribes that practice cannibalism due to beliefs; here’s an interview of someone who went and visited one of those tribes. Interesting read.
Coming back to the human feelings of it, this kind of invalidates it since the people say that they’re eating the Khuakhua, not the person(as they don’t consider khuakhua to be humans). This would be extremely different from other examples though.

There’s also someone that had a part of his body amputated a few years ago and he cooked it up and ate it with his friends (probably one of the only forms of cannibalism I’d partake in, aside from life or death situation)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

The morals of getting a human to where it's edible and you'd want to eat it are questionable.

Let's assume Mr. Sarkar wants to be eaten and that takes care of all that.

  1. Do I even want to know what the fuck you're talking about?
  2. No. It really doesn't unless you have a good explanation

I'm saying we assume we have someone who wants to be eaten. And that there are no legal repercussions, just so we can deal with purely moral matters. Then we can go from there.

@Pickles group

The morals of getting a human to where it's edible and you'd want to eat it are questionable.

Let's assume Mr. Sarkar wants to be eaten and that takes care of all that.

  1. Do I even want to know what the fuck you're talking about?
  2. No. It really doesn't unless you have a good explanation

I'm saying we assume we have someone who wants to be eaten. And that there are no legal repercussions, just so we can deal with purely moral matters. Then we can go from there.

Love, there are sites for that if you're interested
yeah yeah, I know that's not what you're saying, just let me make my joke

@Pickles group

Eh. There was a case in Germany where a dude offered to be eaten and someone else accepted.

There are a lot of cases where that happens
Like I said, there's lots of sites for it
There was one where a guy chopped off part (maybe all. Idr) of his dick with some other guy and they cooked and ate it together. I think they had sex before that but tbh I kind of blocked that case out

@HighPockets group

Eh. There was a case in Germany where a dude offered to be eaten and someone else accepted.

There are a lot of cases where that happens
Like I said, there's lots of sites for it
There was one where a guy chopped off part (maybe all. Idr) of his dick with some other guy and they cooked and ate it together. I think they had sex before that but tbh I kind of blocked that case out

This is a very serious topic and I'm trying very very hard not to make any sexual jokes about it but it's getting very hard not to.

@HighPockets group

Was it, like, a sexual thing, or….

Nah. Not as far as I know.

Was he just like "I'm sick of living, someone fucking eat me" then? I'm just very confused as to why this would happen.

Deleted user

Actually I know about that German dude situation. It was very much a sexual thing.

To put it simply, a gay man wanted very much to eat someone. And another gay man accepted the offer. The latter's biggest fantasy was that someone would cut his dick off, cook it and eat it with him (he also wanted his skull to be used as an ashtray, but that's irrelevant). So they fucked for a few hours, and then gay man #1 gave him tons of alcohol, sleeping pills, pain killers and some other shit so it wouldn't be super bad, and cut of gay man #2's trouser snake. Then he cooked it and they ate it together. Apparently it wasn't very good. So after eating the dick, gay man #1 takes gay man #2 and puts him in his bathtub to bleed to death (through the severed Weapon of Ass Destruction wound) so he can finish cutting him up and eventually, eat him. So, gay man #2 wasn't dying fast enough, prompting gay man #1 breaks out his Star Trek book (I'm 100% serious) and tries to read to pass the time. Gay man #2 isn't dying fast enough so #1 gives him a kiss and slits his throat to speed the process up. #2 dies, and #1 cuts him up and puts him into his freezer and fridge, buried the skull, and put out his best silverware before eating part of gay man #2's ass, a piece of his back, potatoes, and veggies. His fantasy was fulfilled and eventually the cops came and yadda yadda yadda.

Gay man #1 also filmed the whole thing so he could beat his meat (pun intended) to it later.

And apparently flesh tastes like pork, but stronger.

@HighPockets group

Ella don't click this spoiler

Deleted user

Did they at least turn his skull into an ashtray?

Nope, buried it in the yard, like I said.