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Deleted user

what the f u c k

yum, cooked vaginer miner

@Moxie group

Is it weird that besides being mortified my first thought was "awh poor dude didn't even get his skull used as an ashtray"????

@HighPockets group

Is it weird that besides being mortified my first thought was "awh poor dude didn't even get his skull used as an ashtray"????

No mine was too

@Mojack group

The German dude situation reminds me of something but I’m not gonna say what, if you know you know.

So onto the morality of cannibalism.
I personally wouldn’t care what happens to my body after I die, but I know that relatives would - family members learning that their recently deceased member got killed and/or eaten, by another human probably would find that disheartening. And not all people are like myself - some people do indeed care about what happens to their body after they die.

To a good portion of people, the act of cannibalism comes off as being pretty disturbing, which does make it a moral issue in a way.

Cannibalism, even IF done for survival would still have pretty serious impact on ones mentality in addition to that as well. For survival, where would you be getting the meat? Someone you knew, or a complete stranger? What would decide for you to eat that person? Would they be dead already?

With cannibalism comes the possibility to contract Kuru (typically by eating the brain) a rare and very fatal disease
This also can be observed in animal cannibalism, except with the Mad Cow Disease.
Imagine this; you’re a highly religious person but with little to no awareness on science. A long time ago, when people didn’t know the answer to things they’d make up a solid explanation for it in religion (which still can happen today)
The person may see Kuru as a punishment from a god or an evil manifestation, thus putting cannibalism down as “morally wrong.”

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I like the way you look at the possibility of negative consequences leading what is morally right. That is my understanding as well, though one I have come to by myself and not by teaching. But that is just a theory.

@HighPockets group

I just can't see a situation where someone would ask to be eaten that isn't either sexual or should lead to them being hospitalized.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

To a good portion of people, the act of cannibalism comes off as being pretty disturbing, which does make it a moral issue in a way.

I disagree on your thought process. Many people (including myself) find gay sex to be disturbing. Does that make it immoral? No it does not. There is always the possibility such feelings point to such a moral law, but feelings alone cannot be taken as gospel.

Cannibalism, even IF done for survival would still have pretty serious impact on ones mentality

Meh. Not a good enough reason. Pretty sure Facebook has serious negative mental impact on some people. Does that classify it as immoral? No.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I just can't see a situation where someone would ask to be eaten that isn't either sexual or should lead to them being hospitalized.

Let's just assume that it will be such thing as an arm and medical attention will be prompt. (Surgeon on hand or whatever.)

@HighPockets group

I just can't see a situation where someone would ask to be eaten that isn't either sexual or should lead to them being hospitalized.

Let's just assume that it will be such thing as an arm and medical attention will be prompt. (Surgeon on hand or whatever.)

I meant hospitalized for mental health, but alright.

@Mojack group

To a good portion of people, the act of cannibalism comes off as being pretty disturbing, which does make it a moral issue in a way.

I disagree on your thought process. Many people (including myself) find gay sex to be disturbing. Does that make it immoral? No it does not. There is always the possibility such feelings point to such a moral law, but feelings alone cannot be taken as gospel.

I mean it’s what I’m trying to think of because I have pretty different opinions on cannibalism compared to what I’ve written
Plus gay sex is VERRRRYYYYYY DIFFERENT FROM CANNIBALISM which also applies to your Facebook comparison. I don’t think Facebook is a very good think to be comparing to that.

Deleted user

I mean, does wanting to be eaten mean one is disturbed?

kind of

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

To a good portion of people, the act of cannibalism comes off as being pretty disturbing, which does make it a moral issue in a way.

I disagree on your thought process. Many people (including myself) find gay sex to be disturbing. Does that make it immoral? No it does not. There is always the possibility such feelings point to such a moral law, but feelings alone cannot be taken as gospel.

I mean it’s what I’m trying to think of because I have pretty different opinions on cannibalism compared to what I’ve written
Plus gay sex is VERRRRYYYYYY DIFFERENT FROM CANNIBALISM which also applies to your Facebook comparison. I don’t think Facebook is a very good think to be comparing to that.

Keep in mind that the severity is not the point and that it is the… formula of reasoning that I am attempting to prove invalid.

@Pickles group

yeah exactly

anyway when do you want to come pick up my bones

Is around Thanksgiving okay or should I come before then? assuming you mean me

Deleted user


Because the thought of chopping part of yourself off so someone can monch should not be desirable

Why not?