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Deleted user

I don't find it likely that he'll be elected this round, though.

@Moxie group

All of my opinions on the matter can be summed up with thank gosh I stopped getting the mike Bloomberg ads
I don’t know who he is or what happened but I already hated him just from the amount of times he interrupted my YouTube videos by guilt tripping me for drinking water


He had this really weird ad where he was giving a speech and the main message was him saying "My life would be so different if I had been born black."

Deleted user

The presidential candidates are getting worse and worse

@HighPockets group

I think that centrists/on the fence people/more moderate republicans could be swayed to Biden as opposed to Trump, but I don't think they could for Bernie, and I don't think that there's enough people who would stand with Bernie as opposed to Trump.

@Pickles group

My government teacher thinks trump will get reelected. The whole the person in office usually gets reelected thing. There's a word for that but I don't remember what it is and I don't want to go look. And he's dominating the Republicans. (From what I remember of not paying attention while he updated us)

@HighPockets group

All of my opinions on the matter can be summed up with thank gosh I stopped getting the mike Bloomberg ads
I don’t know who he is or what happened but I already hated him just from the amount of times he interrupted my YouTube videos by guilt tripping me for drinking water


He had this really weird ad where he was giving a speech and the main message was him saying "My life would be so different if I had been born black."

I genuinely didn't know what party he was bc I got a radio ad where he was saying some pretty conservative sounding stuff, like "we need to embrace our identity as children of God" and talking about how the Democrats were struggling because they weren't united enough.

@Pickles group

All of my opinions on the matter can be summed up with thank gosh I stopped getting the mike Bloomberg ads
I don’t know who he is or what happened but I already hated him just from the amount of times he interrupted my YouTube videos by guilt tripping me for drinking water


He had this really weird ad where he was giving a speech and the main message was him saying "My life would be so different if I had been born black."


@HighPockets group

My government teacher thinks trump will get reelected. The whole the person in office usually gets reelected thing. There's a word for that but I don't remember what it is and I don't want to go look. And he's dominating the Republicans. (From what I remember of not paying attention while he updated us)

Home field advantage?

Deleted user

what I will say
is that
they're all so old
I mean, Biden's dentures have fallen out while giving a speech

@Pickles group

My government teacher thinks trump will get reelected. The whole the person in office usually gets reelected thing. There's a word for that but I don't remember what it is and I don't want to go look. And he's dominating the Republicans. (From what I remember of not paying attention while he updated us)

Home field advantage?

Incumbent was the word I was thinking of. A person that's already in office

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I'm too young to vote but I'm saying vote blue no matter who! Just to get Trump out.

Horrible idea. It can always get worse than Trump.

I don't really care a lot about politics
But atm I'd kind of consider myself a democrat, since I'm rooting for Biden

But Biden has alzheimer's or something.

I am not a Trump supporter
But you can't honestly say he hasn't done good things for this country.

Ooh. I like this.

I mean on the bright side he won't be able to get reelected until his Death Eaters Republican fans reincarnate him into a child's body

Oh be nice to the Republicans. Many of them are nice enough.


I put salt on my kettle corn
My family is always disgusted by this so I figured I should put it here


I put salt on my kettle corn
My family is always disgusted by this so I figured I should put it here

Can't debate this. It's good.


My family gets all angy because "kettle corn is meant to be sweet"
and like
it's still sweet?? I'm not drowning it in salt??
It's like salted caramel
gimme the salty-sweet