forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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Deleted user

Please tell me more about your thoughts on the presidental crap I can't find good facts

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Who me or Emi? I'll do a sum up. It sucks. We're probably down to Either Biden or Bernie against Trump. Trump looks like our best option so that tells you where we are. Biden has alzheimer's or something and Bernie is psycho. Trump is Trump. sigh

Deleted user

Whenever i think of Boomers for Bernie it makes me wonder why I’m still alive and in a relationship

Deleted user

I've given up after my beloved Bootyguy bowed out gracefully.

I'm on the fence about voting even.


All of my opinions on the matter can be summed up with thank gosh I stopped getting the mike Bloomberg ads
I don’t know who he is or what happened but I already hated him just from the amount of times he interrupted my YouTube videos by guilt tripping me for drinking water

Deleted user

true lmao

now i’m just getting old men begging me to add my name on their list

@HighPockets group

All of my opinions on the matter can be summed up with thank gosh I stopped getting the mike Bloomberg ads
I don’t know who he is or what happened but I already hated him just from the amount of times he interrupted my YouTube videos by guilt tripping me for drinking water

SAME! Like, ma'am, I can't even vote. And the sea turtle commercial made me want to cry.

@HighPockets group

Also I got another text asking "Lili" to come to the Bernie rally. Idk who Lili is but I'm pissed that they used my number as a fake one especially since I don't know mine well myself.


I know right? I don’t need that heart ripping soul crushing shit while I’m trying to watch my craft kit reviews, stop making me feel guilty for that time 8 years ago when I had bottled water at a parade and didn’t recycle


Also I got another text asking "Lili" to come to the Bernie rally. Idk who Lili is but I'm pissed that they used my number as a fake one especially since I don't know mine well myself.


@HighPockets group

I know right? I don’t need that heart ripping soul crushing shit while I’m trying to watch my craft kit reviews, stop making me feel guilty for that time 8 years ago when I had bottled water at a parade and didn’t recycle

To be fair, I watch a lot of Breadtube so I can't be mad about being targeted with political ads. But still-

@Pickles group

I mean on the bright side he won't be able to get reelected until his Death Eaters Republican fans reincarnate him into a child's body

Deleted user

I don't really care a lot about politics
But atm I'd kind of consider myself a democrat, since I'm rooting for Biden
I am not a Trump supporter
But you can't honestly say he hasn't done good things for this country.

@HighPockets group

I'm too young to vote but I'm saying vote blue no matter who! Just to get Trump out.

Agreed. What ended up happening with the impeachment? If he got impeached, he wouldn't be able to run again.

Deleted user

Technically he got impeached, but the Senate voted against kicking him out of office.

so–he can run again.