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people_alt 109 followers

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Ohh okay. The electoral college doesn't really help less densely populated states though. That is a very common complaint from states with small populations.
I don't really, but I think they can be if they wanted to be. Yes, the public school system is complete garbage and I talk about that often, but everyone knows how to read and write. Everyone can do basic math. I meant that everyone has a basic education, and they have the option to be educated more if they chose. And I don't just mean through college, but through the internet too. I know news sources are biased, but its still more than they had when this system was put in place. I would not trust a good political education, but that's not what I meant. Sorry, I wasnt very clear on that.

As I have something to fall back on and no way to further argue the small state point I'ma let that one away.
True, but the likelihood is small enough to warrant ignoring it probably. Oh I see what you're saying. But I think it takes more than the ability of those things to be politically competent. (But like I said earlier, it's possible but probably not happening. But I have low expectations for humanity.) Really it hinges on whether or not people are willing to search out opinions they don't like. Most people are content thinking that what they were taught is Right and will ignore most other things or just use arguments that attack what is not the real position. Most people have a hard time thinking they can be wrong. It's really interesting actually and I can (somewhat) explain the psychological process. Maybe later.
But back to the arguments. With democracy, the majority can easily oppress the minority. I think the American people understand that a little bit, but since the minority so often thinks they are Right, they do not feel much regret in forcing the Right opinions/laws/etc on the minority because they are Wrong. (I realize I am kind of going back to that first argument, so I will add that maybe it helps smaller states by blocking larger ones to a certain extent.)
The other important part is this: If we are running without the College, then that means (democracy) that the candidate can simply (attempt to) find a way to campaign to the majority states, or simply one area. The huge problem with this is that different places have different needs and interests. (I feel like Hello Future Me mentions this in an On Worldbuilding video on empires.) That means that if this fictional candidate's plan works, a president can be elected that serves some states or a particular area well perhaps, but is in a position to neglect to the rest of the country. (Which is more than possible since s/he only needs to keep their base of voters happy to get reelected.)
The Electoral College system means that for a presidential candidate to win, s/he has to campaign in a way that is likely to gain approval for all (or most of) the states that are to be governed by them. in other words. The electoral college system makes it more likely for the elected president to be one that will care for the entire county, instead of neglecting most of it in favor of the densely populated states.

@HighPockets group

Imagine thinking that the cutest puppet of the 21st century isn't funny. Can't relate.
Seriously, anyone with a sense of humor and/or a heart should find at least one Baby Yoda meme funny.


Imagine thinking that the cutest puppet of the 21st century isn't funny. Can't relate.
Seriously, anyone with a sense of humor and/or a heart should find at least one Baby Yoda meme funny.

The first couple were funny but then they made no sense and it's overused imo. It's really cute tho


One. Fair.
Two. You gotta git so you have a chance here later.

but where do I "git"

Anywhere but Notebook.

but this is my only way to socially interact :(

@HighPockets group

One. Fair.
Two. You gotta git so you have a chance here later.

but where do I "git"

Anywhere but Notebook.

but this is my only way to socially interact :(

Tough luck.