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Is it too political to talk about the U.S. presidential impeachment, because I'm surprised that hasn't come up.

(Unless I didn't notice it of course.)

Deleted user

Please. I'm honestly surprised someone didn't bring it up already


While it may surprise anybody who knows me well enough to know that I'm not really a Trump fan, at first I didn't really care about the impeachment process. I wasn't surprised it was happening, but nonetheless I didn't really get involved because I was tired of hearing about him daily on the news.

Now though, after months of the impeachment and it being the only thing I hear about despite me having a job where I am not supposed to be too political, I do have an opinion. I think it's a waste of time.

List how many things Trump has done in the past that would usually demand a lawsuit… Okay, good. Now pick how many from that list that have actually hurt him (before this impeachment was even a thing). The man has allegedly committed what can count as treason, collusion, even sexual assault and while he's gotten a bad reputation at this point, Trump is not a man who cares that much about his reputation until it starts getting more personal. What he cares about is money, and there have been few significant dents put into his wallet. As for political backlash? It took until September of this year for impeachment processes to finally start. I don't think there is enough time to do anything about the papaya man.

For historical context:

There have been only three other presidents who have had impeachments brought against them. We'll start with Richard Nixon because while he could (and probably would have been impeached) he left office before that could happen. Would Trump resign? I don't see him resigning, his pride wouldn't allow it. Plus since he figures there is no chance he'll be impeached, he has less to gain from resigning and in a way he might be right, more on that later. andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) Johnson was impeached, but the problem is "impeachment" does not mean removal and the main reason this is all happening is to remove Trump. andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) Johnson was impeached, but he got to serve the rest of his term. The only bright side was it was basically impossible for him to get elected again. Same goes for Clinton, they tried the impeachment thing and nothing happened. (Besides, Clinton served two terms so it's not like he was going to be running again anyway.) I think Trump is going to get out of this because time will favour him. Unless we can get quick results like the andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) Johnson case, we'll stuck with a another Bill Clinton laughing because it took years to get a consensus.

One of my other reasons as I mentioned earlier is Trump actually has something to gain from sticking this out. If he is impeached or not and he is allowed to be re-elected (a thing that has to specified otherwise during an impeachment), he might run again next year. I have heard from many people as of late, mostly Trump supporters and/or Republicans but also people who are Democrat and/or hate the man, who say that they would be willing to vote for him next election out of either A) SYMPATHY FOR TRUMP or B) Spiring the Democrats who "wasted everyone's time and money just to get to Trump". I don't want this man back in office, and if somehow the impeachment is getting him more followers… Forget the fact that the electoral college is bullshit and not democratic as it overturns the popular vote, he's gaining more followers, and that is scary. Especially since most people think he is a gibbon, yet some of those people are still siding with him.

So in my opinion, yes, the impeachment should stop and if Trump is to be tried for his crimes. Wait until after he is a civilian again so there is less drama clouding the minds of the next elections voters.

Go ahead, call me "a conservative empathetic racist monkey" for this. I hate having to say this as much as the next person, but what doesn't kill Trump will only make him stronger.

Feel free to rip my argument to shreds and debate me.

@HighPockets group

I just feel like it's happening too late, an impeachment would've been much more helpful back in 2017. He's got under a year left before the election, I doubt he'll be able to do anything super outrageous and get it passed before then. This will just make his uber-obsessed supporters be pissed off at the people who tried to get him impeached.


I just feel like it's happening too late, an impeachment would've been much more helpful back in 2017. He's got under a year left before the election, I doubt he'll be able to do anything super outrageous and get it passed before then. This will just make his uber-obsessed supporters be pissed off at the people who tried to get him impeached.

Precisely, for the short version of my essay, just read Jyn's version here.

@HighPockets group

Like, I want him out of office, but that won't just magically undo everything he's done, and he could still potentially run again. To the people who support him, this is making him a martyr, another "innocent man" being "attacked by those damn liberals".

Deleted user

I support the impeachment as long as they specify that he cannot run again. Yes, I think they wastes too much time before starting the process, but it is what it is.
I don't side with either party, but we need a modern president to support the modern times. We can no longer afford to be ruled over by beliefs that are antiquated.

@HighPockets group

I support the impeachment as long as they specify that he cannot run again. Yes, I think they wastes too much time before starting the process, but it is what it is.
I don't side with either party, but we need a modern president to support the modern times. We can no longer afford to be ruled over by beliefs that are antiquated.

Agreed. I think they took a while to make sure they had the facts right, but it was still a really long time. I won't be able to vote in 2020 (I'll only be 16), but I agree that we need a modern president, and especially one that doesn't straight-up admit to sexual assault.

Deleted user

If he's impeached and removed then we have Pence as president.


Plenty of time for him to fuck something up. Plus then he might make sure he'll be elected as actual president. Then we have Pence 2021-2025