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@HighPockets group

I think homeschooling in general is kinda messed up.
Real school brings social and 'real world' education, which is important.
Very important.

You’re spitting what’s been said. Homeschooling doesn’t equate to socially starving children. It happens. But that is the minority. I was one of the more ‘never leaves the house’ kind and I hated it. But (no offense) I think I am at least as skilled in every way as the rest of you. I’m not as good socially as some; but I blame that on completely different things. And even when our education sucked sometimes (periods of not doing much), I still came out higher than the state levels. (I think. I know for sure that it is very common.) A lot of kids know American history better than I do. But most can’t argue decently or tell the flaws in the French Revolution or hell even know what the Edict of Milan is and why it was hugely important.

I mean we spent two weeks on the French Revolution and did an extended roleplay/simulator to see what peasant life was like but okay

@HighPockets group

It was fun! The teacher gave us each a packet to write notes in, then she'd have us do tasks like cut up paper and sketch a very detailed drawing of wheat on it as our landowners watched and we were timed. Then we'd present what we'd done and the landowners took most of it for themselves. Then we'd have meetings with the king and queen and suggest changes but get vetoed. My teacher was really big on hands-on experience, there was one time where we divided up into groups to discuss a treaty about who got what land in South America (one group was Portugal, one was Spain, and the other were the natives of the area). We all did a ton of research and were supposed to argue why we deserved the land, and she let the Portugal and Spain groups speak and wouldn't let the native group speak. When that group was upset, she explained that that's essentially what happened back then. She was amazing!

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Sweet. You obviously had some sweetness in your education. (But the percentage of knowledge and intelligence is higher on this site for why I consider to be obvious reasons.) But can you briefly outline the reason that the French Revolution was a stupid decision? Also do you know what the Edict of Milan is?

@HighPockets group

The French Revolution was ultimately a stupid decision since it caused many unnecessary deaths via the Reign of Terror, escalating what could have been a bloodless compromise into a bloodbath of epic proportions. Never discussed the Edict of Milan but I also dropped the class after first semester to try online school.

Deleted user

I'm just pointing out that no one knows what any of that means.

Deleted user

you’ll care

well you actually might not have to it’s mostly for old folks near retirement

@Mojack group

I have a question for everyone here, but..

Opinions on (potentially) dangerous locations being used as tourist attractions?

I ask this mainly because of the recent White Island eruption. If you are not familiar with it, it is a volcano in New Zealand. Eruptions were off and on, it is an active volcano (so everyone who goes does know the risk), last major eruption up until now was in 2001 I believe. It recently erupted, eight people are missing, six people confirmed dead and a lot of people are injured from it.

Of course to go to the volcano you’d need to sign a waiver I’m pretty sure. So you do know that you’ll be taking a risk here. You get gas masks as well on the island I’m pretty sure just in case (but unfortunately if you’re near the eruption site and it won’t be needing that since you’ll be gone.)

Another example is Anak Krakatau, an extremely active volcano in Indonesia. Ring of fire and all that. Indonesia in general has a lot of dangerous volcanoes. It’s a nice place, but..yeah. Tourists get to go on a hike on the volcano (I’m not sure if they still do it since its collapse last year) which does sound like something I’d do if I’m being honest.

With all of the technology that we have today I think they can detect a possible eruption or activity earlier and say the area is off limits for now, although White Island was definitely a different case because of the 47 people on the island at the time of the eruption. So there’s special cases like those.

I think it should be allowed. I know some people think it’s dumb, or foolish, and they either don’t care or just think that it shouldn’t be allowed. And although the events like White Island are tragic and upsetting when it happens, there was little warning in it happening. And even then, in visiting a volcano, the chance of you dying is pretty small and as long as you follow all of the rules of the tour, they’re even smaller. And use common sense of course. Like don’t go jumping into the boiling water like the guy at Yellowstone did. You’re more likely to be killed in traffic.
Although people should definitely do their research and look at the possible risks before deciding to vacation to a volcano. You sign that waiver and you know those risks that might come with it. They might be small risks, but they’re possible.

Deleted user

Did I say something wrong…?

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooope. not you

Deleted user

Mojack that is an interesting subject!

As someone that has hiked at least 8 volcanoes, I can say that the danger is kinda fun. But I can understand that people fear things they cannot control and therefore seek to gain what little control they can over it.

I don't think things should be limited from humanity.

@Pickles group

No one's forcing people to go so I say sure. Every place can be potentially dangerous. Some more than others, but potentially nonetheless. I think as long as people are aware of that risk, are willing to take it, and sign a waiver, it's fine