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Deleted user

Which is like the exact opposite role I have with everyone else. XD

Deleted user

Drunk Martini Aunt
Nerdy, slightly Exasperated Uncle

Nods head agreeingly

I approve.
I have officially called dibs on Dom.

Deleted user

But you're also the worldly one and I'm the hyper one so that… makes for complex characters!

we have depth
We have he roles we play, and the roles we actually are

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

But you're also the worldly one and I'm the hyper one so that… makes for complex characters!

we have depth
We have he roles we play, and the roles we actually are

But am I the wise sage that ponders the complexity of the lexicon and human morality? Or am I the childish soul who cries out with an exclamation of joy at the invention of a veggie straw whistle? Or is the true meaning that I am both? Adult and child, leader and the lead.

Deleted user

But you're also the worldly one and I'm the hyper one so that… makes for complex characters!

we have depth
We have he roles we play, and the roles we actually are

But am I the wise sage that ponders the complexity of the lexicon and human morality? Or am I the childish soul who cries out with an exclamation of joy at the invention of a veggie straw whistle? Or is the true meaning that I am both? Adult and child, leader and the lead.

Calm down Socrates.
We are all dust in the wind.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

But you're also the worldly one and I'm the hyper one so that… makes for complex characters!

we have depth
We have he roles we play, and the roles we actually are

But am I the wise sage that ponders the complexity of the lexicon and human morality? Or am I the childish soul who cries out with an exclamation of joy at the invention of a veggie straw whistle? Or is the true meaning that I am both? Adult and child, leader and the lead.

Calm down Socrates.
We are all dust in the wind.

And yet so much that is but dust lives on. And what was thought to be immortal now is whisked away in the breeze.

Deleted user

Hey children
I have a debate podcast to record
And y'all are gonna help me
Death penalty
Should it be abolished?

Deleted user

Honestly I think it depends.

If it’s morally terrible crimes like crimes against the country, no. And as much as I hate to say it, for things like rape or misdemeanors, it shouldn’t be the first option. Of course if it’s repeated assaults then, welllllll I think it should still be an option.

It’s like too far left or too far right; there has to be a middle ground somewhere between for every occurrence.

@Moxie group

Omg I literally did a whole project on this last year
My conclusion was that it is beneficial in certain very specific situations, but because of the racial bias and discrimination in our country, it is certain to be misused and should therefore be abolished
That’s me paraphrasing my thesis
Also there’s no painless way to get the death sentence. That’s a myth. They’re all extremely painful


I would have to disagree with you, Murders or Rapists that are let out have an 80% chance of committing the crime again once they are released. The only solution is to either hold them in jail for the rest of their life or have them be executed. Realistically life in prison doesn't mean life in prison it means 7 years (In California) of prison time and then they can apply for Parole and a large percent do and once they're free they go and commit the crime again. 80%, think of the lives lost and the families that have gone through having a family member murdered only to find out that that person was let out of Jail after killing for a first time. I don't think the number of falsely accused people equals the number of people who were murdered or killed or had to lose a child, brother or sister. I wouldn't even say that if they're on death row for several years after they should be let go, not that long ago a guy was released from death row because he was 'to old ' to murder anyone else and then he went and murdered someone , he was 77.

Deleted user

convicted rapists, murderers, and pedophiles should be faced with the death sentence.
vicious crimes on innocents cannot be tolerated or forgiven.