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@Moxie group

What the fuck are you studying cause sign me up
The only reason I'm working is cause I'm behind and I don't want my english teacher to be anymore disappointed in me then she already is

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

What the fuck are you studying cause sign me up

Boring- well not boring, but not especially special something. The disillusionment that is college. There were all these options for the essay and so I sortofish made my own by taking 3/4 of the questions and making that one essay.

@Moxie group

What the fuck are you studying cause sign me up

Boring- well not boring, but not especially special something. The disillusionment that is college. There were all these options for the essay and so I sortofish made my own by taking 3/4 of the questions and making that one essay.

Yeah it be like that sometimes
You gotta adapt to survive

Deleted user

I even emphasized my spelling and grammatical error for you woman

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

What the fuck are you studying cause sign me up

Boring- well not boring, but not especially special something. The disillusionment that is college. There were all these options for the essay and so I sortofish made my own by taking 3/4 of the questions and making that one essay.

Yeah it be like that sometimes
You gotta adapt to survive

That reminds me of "Survival of the Fittest" which reminds me of something else.
I don't really believe in coincidences. I mean, I'm a logic dude so of course I do. But I have had so many coincidences in my life I now think Leo Valdez is right and it's all the big machine. But yesterday was one of the best ones yet. So in Bio we were talking about the history of evolution. So I learned that the guy who made up Survival of the Fittest was a dude named Thomas Malthus who coined the phrase (which really sums up Capitalism) about economics. Not an hour later I find the dude in an example in my math book. How whack is that?

@Moxie group

What the fuck are you studying cause sign me up

Boring- well not boring, but not especially special something. The disillusionment that is college. There were all these options for the essay and so I sortofish made my own by taking 3/4 of the questions and making that one essay.

Yeah it be like that sometimes
You gotta adapt to survive

That reminds me of "Survival of the Fittest" which reminds me of something else.
I don't really believe in coincidences. I mean, I'm a logic dude so of course I do. But I have had so many coincidences in my life I now think Leo Valdez is right and it's all the big machine. But yesterday was one of the best ones yet. So in Bio we were talking about the history of evolution. So I learned that the guy who made up Survival of the Fittest was a dude named Thomas Malthus who coined the phrase (which really sums up Capitalism) about economics. Not an hour later I find the dude in an example in my math book. How whack is that?

That's fucking whack man
Idk what I think about coincidences either. Cause sometimes I'm like "no. I don't believe in them." and then other times I'm like "girl calm down, its not that deep." So I'm conflicted.

@Moxie group

I both kind of agree with that and find it hilarious
And here kids, you will see two adhd kids, desperately avoiding their work