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Deleted user

I actually agree with the office comment.

Dwight & Jim are the only reason I watch it.

and it's one of Jay's favorite shows.

@Moxie group

The character development takes a while but it’s spot on
And the whole show is just Jim and Pam’s romance (the cutest thing ever) and Jim fucking with Dwight. Which is so fucking funny

@vidari-is-tired-in-advance group

Like I love Jim but a lot of fans of the show (I’m calling out my sister here) like to ignore all of his flaws?? Like he’s manipulative and can be kinda a douche, which doesn’t make him a bad character at all (actually makes him better in my opinion), but like he’s not a perfect guy

@vidari-is-tired-in-advance group

It’s got its fair share of drama and ups and downs, but they get together in a reasonable length of time, where it’s not super easy for them, but it’s doesn’t feel like the show is dragging it’s heels either. They also have arguments and conflicts, but in the end, play off each other so well with running jokes and cute little moments that they just fit together real well. JIM AND PAM ARE CUTE OK I DONT WANNA HAVE TO EXPLAIN MY FEELINGS

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

you are valid my dude! used to have the same opinion- the style of “embarrassment humor” doesn’t work for everybody, but I grew to like it. if it just doesn’t tickle your fancy, that’s understandable

Very good response.