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And it is this: Does biological sex define our personalities? (To a certain extent.)

And no it does not. I have a friend who is a very tomboyish girl. She doesn't fit in with feminine stereotypes.

Deleted user

Well I don’t think gender correlates with personality, for personality comes from how one was raised/who they hang out with.

Of course stereotypes on gender come into play as well, but they hardly play a roll for the QuIrKy girls out there. Like for example, I don’t correlate with stereotypes at all. I weight train and I do a very masculine-oriented sport. it’s just like, we shouldn’t look at a person, see they have boobs and be like, “Ugh they’re gonna be super annoying or preppy cus they’re a girl” while I’m one of the most masculine girls I know without being a transgender.


Some of my closest friends are shy and funny boys, despite the way people view boys as tough and rowdy. Take J, for example. He is shy and doesn't seem all that crazy. And then there's G, who's a girl, and she is the most tomboyish person I know. I think it has to do with society's expectations placed on genders.

Deleted user

Biological gender is whether you have a v or a p. It's not any more complicated then that.

@Moxie group

should I repost it

What did you say Moxie???

"Soooo are we trying to summon him? Or what are we doing?"

Deleted user

I think Hormones can be a major attribute to personality and since most hormones along those lines also attribute to biological sex….it can go either way.
That's a tough question and I'm most intrigued by it.

I say yes and no, but I will have to think more in depth regarding my reasoning, dagabat.

Deleted user

What kind of sex are we discussing
I'm dead serious I'm tired and confused lol

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

What kind of sex are we discussing
I'm dead serious I'm tired and confused lol

The one people call gender for political reasons. It was only called that because linguistic propaganda and now that gender actually has a definition, they should not be confused. But of course the fact that the word 'sex' is a noun is instead of a verb is rather odd and helps confuse the issue.

@HighPockets group

Besides hormones, I think that sex itself doesn't play that big of a role.
However the environment you grow up in due to your biological sex and/or gender does.

Deleted user

Id like to hear your thoughts on the matter Dom.

But I can see how biological sex can effect ones upbringing and way of thinking, thus shifting their personality as well.

I'm still thinking on this and spitting out my ideas as they come to me.

@HighPockets group

Sex also impacts how other people view your personality, such as how a lot of times men who are self-confident are called confident, but self-confident women are called arrogant.

@HighPockets group

In general, when women do things they're viewed more harshly than men who do the same. People call rude women bitches, but call rude men snarky or sarcastic. Confident women are arrogant, while confident men are just confident. Things as simple as crying are labelled as feminine ("why are you crying! Boys don't cry!") and therefore bad. It's pretty fucked up.