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@Moxie group

I think if it does determine your personality, then its fully a gender thing determined by society. I don't think its determined by science at all.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

In general, when women do things they're viewed more harshly than men who do the same. People call rude women bitches, but call rude men snarky or sarcastic. Confident women are arrogant, while confident men are just confident. Things as simple as crying are labelled as feminine ("why are you crying! Boys don't cry!") and therefore bad. It's pretty fucked up.

But if it has to do with how people view someone it probably is gender instead of sex.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I think if it does determine your personality, then its fully a gender thing determined by society. I don't think its determined by science at all.

Well sex determines things like immunity to certain diseases. So why not things like pieces of personality? The two sexes were made for different purposes and given tools as such. Why not give personality traits that correspond?

Deleted user

I don’t think biology should play a giant roll in how someone acts. They can’t help their biology but their personality/way of thinking is a bit more jaded on how it worlds.

@Moxie group

Well sex determines things like immunity to certain diseases. So why not things like pieces of personality? The two sexes were made for different purposes and given tools as such. Why not give personality traits that correspond?

It's possible, but I don't think so. But It's impossible to know. Because of society and gender roles in society, its pretty much impossible to distinguish whether certain personality traits are determined by actual biological sex or gender and how society treats people of certain genders.

Deleted user

Stalling to see what Eris says so I can think of stuff.

I’m still Switzerland in this one.
I think it’s both yes and no, based on hormones and general DNA set up.

Deleted user

Well sex determines things like immunity to certain diseases.

What do you mean by this?

@Moxie group

Sorry, but it's true. It's not scientifically backed up. There have been a few studies, but not enough to produce concrete evidence.

@Moxie group

Yeah, but it clarifies that its not a concrete fact, even after multiple studies.

"The man cold might have some biological truth to it. Some studies say men may have more symptoms than women when they have a cold.

“Regarding colds, there may be some impact of sex,” says Kim Templeton, MD, a surgeon at the University of Kansas Hospital. Templeton has done extensive studies on gender differences in health.

The female sex hormone estrogen slows down how fast a virus multiplies, Templeton says. This may lead to fewer symptoms. The flu virus may not spread as quickly in women because of estrogen and how the female body reacts to it. Studies have not shown if the same thing applies to the cold virus."

@HighPockets group

Sex can determine your likelyhood to get diseases, but not really your reaction.
Although autistic women are often misdiagnosed much more than men because it manifests differently.