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Deleted user

But so is imprisonment. Why kill if there are more humane ways to deal with it?

@Reblod flag

Prison provides shelter for criminals with a roof over their heads, a bed to sleep in and food. Murderers, rapists and the sort are being looked after and cared for despite what they've done. Besides, imprisonment means expending resources on people who really don't deserve it. In my opinion, it's more humane to just kill them. If keeping them around is just appealing to your morals well…they're going to die anyway might as well speed it up a little. I mean it's not like they're contributing to society. The opposite actually

@vidari-is-tired-in-advance group

For me, at least, having to live with what they did is more of a punishment than getting to be free of judgement through death. And if prisons were reformed to focus more on rehabilitation, then these people could contribute to society in ways that are beneficial to them and the world at large. But before that can be done, private prisons operating for profit would need to be dismantled, as they have motivation to get people put in prison and have them stay there. In general, I believe the whole prison system is hecked up.

@Pickles group

I don't know a whole lot about this but prison is apparently pretty unfriendly for child killers/rapists so um yeah that's really my only knowledge also the police had to save Richard Ramirez from being beaten to death by the people in his town. He ended up on death row I'm pretty sure. A whole bunch of people showed up with signs and stuff and basically had a party on Ted Bundy's execution

@HighPockets group

I don't know a whole lot about this but prison is apparently pretty unfriendly for child killers/rapists so um yeah that's really my only knowledge also the police had to save Richard Ramirez from being beaten to death by the people in his town. He ended up on death row I'm pretty sure. A whole bunch of people showed up with signs and stuff and basically had a party on Ted Bundy's execution

Yeah, and a lot of times child killers and rapists and the worst of the worst will kill themselves in prison as opposed to dealing with it, which really isn't ideal. Do the crime, pay the time. Maybe if you didn't want to be harassed by people in prison you shouldn't have been a serial child rapist, bud.

Deleted user

The Death Penalty is still legal in my home country, Belarus. We’ve carried out at least (that the general public knows of) 4 executions in 2018. We are the only country in Europe that still has it legalized. The general choice for execution is shooting. They blindfold you, take you into a room, you kneel and they shoot you in the back of the head. It all takes about 2 minutes.

Now I’m not sure which country you’re speaking from or if you’re speaking that ‘Should it be abolished in general’ (sorry if my wording is a bit weird) so I’m mostly speaking from my own knowledge and a country I’m familiar with.

In most cases, in Belarus, you are executed for crimes against the state or people. Our current constitution states it is only for ‘grave crimes.’ What determines that is debatable, though I’m certain we would be able to agree on a common ground with that of what is really really bad. Non-violent crimes are also punishable by death in Belarus. As of recently, we have taken some restrictions for it though. In Belarus, we hold votes sometimes that ask the opinions of capital punishment.
Not many people are against it as a whole, most people think it should only be used for some grave crimes, which is where I stand on the whole issue.

My opinion is that it should be used for only really terrible, ‘grave crimes’, as I said before. Should it be abolished? Undecided. Should you go executing people left and right? No. Should it have restrictions and rules? Yes. Should it be used for all crimes? No.

Overall, I don’t think it should be completely abolished, only used for crimes like terrorism and all that. Most of the stuff in our legislation, basically.

Legislation for it in Belarus can be read here, fyi:

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

So your saying revenge is a reasonable reason for murder?

Well yes actually. If someone killed a man because he raped the guy's sibling I think the court should let him off easy. I think the killer should have to face the law, but I think the reasons should be taken into account when sentencing. In other words, death penalty only for the third count of inexcusable murder.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Prison provides shelter for criminals with a roof over their heads, a bed to sleep in and food. Murderers, rapists and the sort are being looked after and cared for despite what they've done. Besides, imprisonment means expending resources on people who really don't deserve it. In my opinion, it's more humane to just kill them. If keeping them around is just appealing to your morals well…they're going to die anyway might as well speed it up a little. I mean it's not like they're contributing to society. The opposite actually

I think you are thinking in the wrong direction. It isn't about contributing to the society that counts here. We're not Communists. I agree that we take care of them and they don't deserve it. I don't see where the humaneness comes in. It's complicated because we take it upon ourselves to make moral judgments while holding different standards of morality. If you are talking about the life sentence vs death it's an argument of who gets to choose who is killed and why. And if they deserve it why don't we. And what is prison supposed to do anyways?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

For me, at least, having to live with what they did is more of a punishment than getting to be free of judgement through death. And if prisons were reformed to focus more on rehabilitation, then these people could contribute to society in ways that are beneficial to them and the world at large. But before that can be done, private prisons operating for profit would need to be dismantled, as they have motivation to get people put in prison and have them stay there. In general, I believe the whole prison system is hecked up.

But are they free if they die? That is the question.
You have a good point though. But why should we help them instead of simply putting the fear of death in their hearts?

@Reblod flag

Prison provides shelter for criminals with a roof over their heads, a bed to sleep in and food. Murderers, rapists and the sort are being looked after and cared for despite what they've done. Besides, imprisonment means expending resources on people who really don't deserve it. In my opinion, it's more humane to just kill them. If keeping them around is just appealing to your morals well…they're going to die anyway might as well speed it up a little. I mean it's not like they're contributing to society. The opposite actually

I think you are thinking in the wrong direction. It isn't about contributing to the society that counts here. We're not Communists. I agree that we take care of them and they don't deserve it. I don't see where the humaneness comes in. It's complicated because we take it upon ourselves to make moral judgments while holding different standards of morality. If you are talking about the life sentence vs death it's an argument of who gets to choose who is killed and why. And if they deserve it why don't we. And what is prison supposed to do anyways?

That was in response to the previous reply which is why I mentioned humanity.

I just think that the death penalty is a straightforward way to deal with people, after a thorough investigation of course. I probably have very different views on death than many people so I don't find the idea of sending someone to their death very confronting. I think that many people see death as a bad thing and that gets in the way of making reasonable decisions. Honestly, I don't actually care who lives and dies but from what I've gathered it makes more sense to kill people like murderers because it's a preventative measure and avoids further inconveniences.

@HighPockets group

People who commit manslaughter or, as Dom said, do something like kill a rapist or a predator, shouldn't be executed, but serial killers, serial rapists, and people who are in no state to ever be reintroduced safely into society should be. For example, someone who was indoctrinated into a cult and could go out and rejoin/recruit more members, or a serial predator.

Deleted user

People who commit manslaughter or, as Dom said, do something like kill a rapist or a predator, shouldn't be executed, but serial killers, serial rapists, and people who are in no state to ever be reintroduced safely into society should be. For example, someone who was indoctrinated into a cult and could go out and rejoin/recruit more members, or a serial predator.

Actually I agree with this, which is basically a whole big mishmash of the opinions I agree with.

Deleted user

individuals convicted of crimes of maliciousness against innocent people.


Wait what’s unschooling

A form of homeschooling where, instead of formally teaching the child any subjects, you let the child teach themself whatever they want to learn, while usually providing any books or materials necessary

So technically how I’m taught except my parents are doing it unintentionally

Deleted user

I don't want to offend but I think it may be a type of child neglect.

School is important not just for learning, but for social growth as well. Public school was hell, but I don't regret the experiences I had there…

Deleted user

I think homeschooling in general is kinda messed up.
Real school brings social and 'real world' education, which is important.
Very important.

Deleted user

Ehhhhhh– Idk about 'real world'.

None of yall know how to do taxes