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Conservative v Liberal

Hm. I classify myself and agree with liberals much more in general, but there's definitely a line between being a liberal and restricting freedom of speech.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I'm actually intrigued because I know quite a number of people in my family that had arranged marriages. But I've never seen someone advocate it before.

I honestly wouldn’t mind an arranged marriage for myself. People always think it’s some evil oppressive thing that forces women to marry dudes against their will. But it’s not. Really basically (without the system being abused) arranged marriage is like having a ton of wingmen/people/whatever-the-hell-with this-PC-talk, as well as a dating service made out of a whole neighborhood.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Can I just say how much I dislike -for lack of a better name- the Gay Fanfic Culture? For instance, there is no way Sherlock is gay! Anyone who really looks at his character instead of making wishful fantasies would know that he would most likely be Aro-Ace!

@HighPockets group

There's 2 types of gay fanfic culture. One is LGBTQA+ people looking at a character and thinking they're queer, either being queercoded or just as wish fulfillment, and that's fine as long as they don't get controlling and angry with it.

The other is straight girls fetishizing m/m couples (and yes, with straight girls it's always m/m) and straight men fetishizing f/f couples and that's just gross.

There's a difference between, say, a tv show where one guy is very insistent of not taking his shirt off in public and being very insistent about wanting to be called a certain name and fans interpreting him as a trans guy, and two guys having 1 line of dialogue and suddenly being shipped because "it's so hot!". And this is especially problematic when it turns into demeaning and belittling a canonical female love interest for one of the guys, especially if she's a WOC, plus sized, disabled, etc.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Meh I don’t like both. But that’s because of the insistence of the first. Like, if you want to write a well reasoned thesis on why Nico was actually gay the whole time that’s legit. But the whole ShAnG iS defiNiTeLY Bi! pisses me off a lot. Especially because of how that stuff makes nonromantic love inaccessible to the cultural mind.

@Moxie group

I think it’s more like queer kids seeing characters they like or seeing things that remind them of their own experiences and then projecting that on to characters that they like. Because if representation happens more often then it’s not as “weird” or something like that to other people because it’s more represented in media.
Also people just want to see people like them. There is no way to look at a character or person and determine their sexual or romantic preference. You can’t know every single tiny thought that goes through their head, so you can’t say you don’t know that a character is gay. You also can’t say for sure that a character it straight, but these types of scenarios in fan fiction are always just wishful thinking.

Also not everything needs to be something official and academic. Somethings can just be for fun.

Deleted user

it's really hard for me to find people in the media that have similar experiences to me in terms of my sexuality, (as far as i know, we literally have ricky dillon and thats it aha)
so with me, if you dont have a love interest or your character doesn't open up to people then i relate to that experience aha

@Moxie group

Maybe… I don’t totally know how I feel about Rick Riordans representation

But like he explicitly says in the book that Nico was gay. It wasn’t totally a Dumbledore because at least he writes about it in the book. And when he does write about it I’m pretty sure that he looks back on Nicos memories about the crush he had on Percy (I’m pretty sure that happened. I don’t totally remember).