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Deleted user

I've said before that this chat is for more logical and semi-serious debates. I'd like to keep it that way.

Deleted user

Prostitution is fine. I see no reason as to why it's such a bad thing.


Honestly, I think that if it's being done willingly by the prostitutes, then it's fine, but if they're being forced into it, then that's not okay.

This is my point of view. If you want to do it as a job for whatever reason it is you want to do it, go right ahead, but you should never be forced into doing it or forced anything whilst doing it. Some say it's a horrible thing to do and you should feel bad doing it but it's your choice and… It's not like you are say… Murdering someone for money? You know, something a little more serious than consensual sex.

As for the argument of the prostitute being in danger. If it's from the boss, that's called having an abusive/shitty boss. Other jobs have those too. If it's the danger from the customers killing the prostitute or worse? That's a security problem. You don't (or well… Shouldn't) blame the guy at 7/11 for working there because he got robbed and possibly shot during the robbery, you blame the fact there were no countermeasures against the robbery or better yet, the robber for robbing the store. So we shouldn't be blaming the prostitute for working at a brothel when something happens either. And, just like we don't close down all of the 7/11's for being robbed… Again, you get the point.

Deleted user

I find no issue with prostitution. If a person decides that their life goal/ purpose is to make others feel good through sexual pleasure then more power to them. They should be able to do their job without anyone else looking down at them. Especially since the rest of the world are 100% hypocrites about sex.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

The one issue is that a percentage of prostitution is made up of sex slaves and those who are somewhat forced into it. So if there was a way to make sure it was safe, then I’d be okay with it. Politically anyways. Morality doesn’t really matter in this case I suppose.

Deleted user

The one issue is that a percentage of prostitution is made up of sex slaves and those who are somewhat forced into it. So if there was a way to make sure it was safe, then I’d be okay with it. Politically anyways. Morality doesn’t really matter in this case I suppose.

Agreed. It certainly should be made a safe business. There are plenty who would do it willingly. I do not see the need to unwilling subjects.

Question (because I'm curious) Why do you say that morality doesn't matter?

Deleted user

Porn is legal and it's just filmed prostitution.

And porn leads to all sorts of horrible things.

(here I am thinking people just whack and go on with their lives.)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Porn is legal and it's just filmed prostitution.

And porn leads to all sorts of horrible things.

(here I am thinking people just whack and go on with their lives.)

Remember when I relayed Ted Bundy talking about porn?

@Moxie group

Yeah I'm pretty sure it creates a culture of violence against women during sex being normalized. I feel like I've seen so many different posts on so many different social media platforms about women's shitty and abusive sexual experiences because a lot of men learned about sex through porn, which is really toxic.

Deleted user

Because I’m thinking of it in a legal sense. Morality wise, I say none should do it. But I also believe in free will so…

But you're taking this 'morality' from a religious standpoint, not what is natural to humanity at its core instincts.