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Deleted user

But I think it's the cop's fault because she manipulated the feelings of a teenager. Not to mention that everyone in high school knows who to buy what drugs from. Even if you don't use them

@Moxie group

I’m going to preface this by saying these aren’t what I think, these are just the doubts I was having that I decided to share for the sake of the argument.

He could have not bought the drugs. He was clearly nervous the whole time the exchange was going on, and in the musical he even needs to convince his cousins to give him the drugs. He could have said no, or told the cop no.

I also think tho that he shouldn’t have been judged as harshly, if at all, because intent should have been taken into account. Intent is the difference between murder and manslaughter

Deleted user

I know I'm interrupting some debate but my opinion is

Swedish Fish taste like ass.

@Pickles group

I know I'm interrupting some debate but my opinion is

Swedish Fish taste like ass.

I was going to say "maybe so do you" but upon further reflection, I've decided that's a terrible idea

Deleted user

I know I'm interrupting some debate but my opinion is

Swedish Fish taste like ass.

I was going to say "maybe so do you" but upon further reflection, I've decided that's a terrible idea

Pickles, why are you always angry with me and bickering? We're like siblings. And…no I taste like a dead squirrel on the side of a highway with maggots, so don't even I know I'm disgusting.

@Pickles group

I know I'm interrupting some debate but my opinion is

Swedish Fish taste like ass.

I was going to say "maybe so do you" but upon further reflection, I've decided that's a terrible idea

Pickles, why are you always angry with me and bickering? We're like siblings. And…no I taste like a dead squirrel on the side of a highway with maggots, so don't even I know I'm disgusting.

Sorry, it was meant to be a joke cuz I like swedish fish. I'm just a generally disagreeable person.

Deleted user

swedish fish is NAHSTY



I mentioned this opinion already but I’m gonna say it again in hopes that I’ll find someone else who agrees with me

Stale marshmallows are delicious