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people_alt 109 followers


I honestly don’t know why I dislike them so much
They just look like pajamas to me
But the moment you change the pants to a skirt suddenly I’m fine with it???
I dunno

@Starfast group

Dudes, your jumpers are my jumpsuits. To me jumpers are sweatshirts so I was really confused

Yeah I've always called those jumpsuits as well. To me a jumper is this:

Lowkey I'd call this 'over-alls'

Overalls are the same thing but like, pants.

Screaming cinnamon roll

Look I have my reasons!
When I eat cereal, by the time that I have finished my cereal it's disgustingly soggy. If you pour the milk in first it makes it stay drier for longer. Also for some reason I always love cereal when it is first poured in. It's still crunchy yet at the same time it has plenty of milk in it, and I can only get that when it's first poured in on top of the milk.

Deleted user

I have a very unpopular opinion from my extremely religious hispanic catholic grandmother. It's safe to say that she shocked me with this one.
Y'all wanna hear it?

Deleted user

So translated from Spanish she said along the lines of: "Religion makes Satan stronger than God in it's teachings."

me: floored
gma: It's true, mija.

Deleted user

That's honestly pretty true also your grandma sounds like a force of the universe.

You have no idea. She's a magic, salty as little lady that drinks lemonade with hot sauce all day and I aspire to be her. Not to mention that she can drink my entire entire family under the table and wake up the next morning to make us all breakfast. She's almost 90 years old.
I did shots with her for my 21st birthday celebration and my soul left my body after 11 and home girl kept going.