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@Moxie group

Yeah I'm pretty sure it creates a culture of violence against women during sex being normalized. I feel like I've seen so many different posts on so many different social media platforms about women's shitty and abusive sexual experiences because a lot of men learned about sex through porn, which is really toxic.

Okay I can see that actually, but on the other hand– not all porn is like that. You could say that the men that go searching for that kind of porn alrady have some kind of issue on how they were raised.

I disagree. What specific kind of issues do you mean?

Treatment of women as you mentioned before. If a child is raised thinking that disrespecting women is okay. Say by how he sees his father treating his mother, or the other male figures that he looks up to in life treat/say things about women. It's natural for him to thing that aggressive, disrespectful sexual acts are the norm.

And using women’s naked bodies as playthings for their pleasure respects women how?

I didn't say that it did?

What else’s is prostitution and porn but that, and highly disrespectful?

The difference is when prostitution is consenting. Obviously this isn't the case when someone is forced into prostitution, but usually its not disrespectful when women are willingly doing it.

Deleted user

Yeah I'm pretty sure it creates a culture of violence against women during sex being normalized. I feel like I've seen so many different posts on so many different social media platforms about women's shitty and abusive sexual experiences because a lot of men learned about sex through porn, which is really toxic.

Okay I can see that actually, but on the other hand– not all porn is like that. You could say that the men that go searching for that kind of porn alrady have some kind of issue on how they were raised.

I disagree. What specific kind of issues do you mean?

Treatment of women as you mentioned before. If a child is raised thinking that disrespecting women is okay. Say by how he sees his father treating his mother, or the other male figures that he looks up to in life treat/say things about women. It's natural for him to thing that aggressive, disrespectful sexual acts are the norm.

And using women’s naked bodies as playthings for their pleasure respects women how?

I didn't say that it did?

What else’s is prostitution and porn but that, and highly disrespectful?

There are those that don't view it that way. Both men and women in the industry. Some even enjoy it. If they don't view it as disrespectful to themselves then how can we?

Obviously the more violent side of the industry is disrespectful. That goes without saying.

I both agree and disagree with many of these statements because there are two sides to it. Its bizarre

@Moxie group

Yes but how does that relate to prostitution being disrespectful?
Like if the prostitute is consenting to what they're doing, how is that abusive?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I think it is, but that is not the case I was making at the moment. I was saying it was disrespectful. When told that she’s might not consider it so I said it could be whether or not she agreed.

Deleted user

My argument is we (a third party) cannot put the entire industry under the belt as 'disrespectful' because there are prostitutes and porn stars that love what they do and therefore don't think it's disrespectful and since it's their bodies I'm more than inclined to trust their judgement.

But I will admit that there are disrespectful parts of the industry. Just like any industry. It's sad that people can treat each other that way.

Deleted user

I have a new toppppppppppppppppic:

Do you guys think that traditions have a place in the modern world?
Why or why not?

For example:
Polygamy in the Mormon religion
Arranged marriages
The annual Whale hunt in Norway

Etc etc

@Moxie group

Yeah, I think they do.
I think traditions are a human thing, not an "old fashioned" thing. Because humans like routine (for the most part I think) and traditions are just an annual routine.
That doesn't mean I think all traditions have a place in the modern world. But I think the concept of traditions do.

Deleted user

Agreed, agreed. But I do think it is interesting that while humanity strives for modernization, they cling to the past.


Huh, that is interesting. The past is familiar, though, and no matter how much we advocate for modernization a lot of us are terrified of leaving what we've known.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Traditions that don't hurt anyone are fine, but once they cross into dangerous/harmful territory, then no.

But which ones are harmful? Except for the last on (which I know nothing about) I could give an argument for how harmful they aren’t,

@HighPockets group

I also don't know anything about the last one, and not really any specific ones listed are harmful (but I don't really know much about a lot of them). Just in general as a vague guideline

Deleted user

I stand by my culture. Arranged marriage is a good thing.


Deleted user

In Australian Aboriginal society, Walkabout is a rite of passage during which males undergo a journey during adolescence, typically ages 10 to 16, and live in the wilderness for a period as long as six months to make the spiritual and traditional transition into manhood.

Deleted user

I'm actually intrigued because I know quite a number of people in my family that had arranged marriages. But I've never seen someone advocate it before.