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@Moxie group

Thomas Sanders is so good!

Okay have you seen his latest music video? Because it mentions how sucky the Beauty and the Beast thing was in a glorious way

Screaming cinnamon roll

Though the whole thing with the asumeing character's sexuality I have a separate view on. Often when I love a character I love them because I see myself or who I want to be in them. For example, when I was reading harry potter I wanted to be Luna Lovegood. I didn't imagine a small blonde girl with the voice of a mouse, no! I imagined a girl with strawberry blonde hair, who worn bell-bottom jeans with paint splatters, and john lennon glasses behind her spectra-specs. I saw a girl who didn't whisper what she thought, but instead yelled everything and wasn't afraid of what people thought of her because of it. I saw her as confident and unafraid of others. I saw her as her own person, who was quirky, interesting, and loud. That Luna is who I see myself as now. I had a lot of issues with my confidence at the time and I wanted to not have to worry about what others thought of me. Nowadays I'm much better, and I've gotten over my depression. A lot of that is because I came out as bisexual. I think that in a way when I think of a character as gay, I'm doing that because I am trying to reflect myself on to something I want to be.

@Moxie group

The only ship I like in Percy Jackson is Percabeth, and SunshineXBroody was done better all the way back in 1831.

Yeah I mostly agree with the Percabeth thing
I don’t like Jason soo I automatically don’t like Piper and Jason
Leo and Calypso felt weird. And Leo just let his friends think he was dead and went off to go adventure with her.
I don’t actually hate Frank and Hazel. I think they’re cute, just a little dull

@HighPockets group

The only ship I like in Percy Jackson is Percabeth, and SunshineXBroody was done better all the way back in 1831.

Yeah I mostly agree with the Percabeth thing
I don’t like Jason soo I automatically don’t like Piper and Jason
Leo and Calypso felt weird. And Leo just let his friends think he was dead and went off to go adventure with her.
I don’t actually hate Frank and Hazel. I think they’re cute, just a little dull

I hate Jason, I don't like Piper, Frank and Hazel is weird because she's 13 and he's 16, and Calypso is obnoxious in the newer books.

@HighPockets group

Just saw this on Tumblr and it seemed relevant:

Why is it always ‘queer people are projecting their identities onto characters’ and never ‘straight people are presuming that their identity is the default’?

@HighPockets group

Meh I don’t like both. But that’s because of the insistence of the first. Like, if you want to write a well reasoned thesis on why Nico was actually gay the whole time that’s legit. But the whole ShAnG iS defiNiTeLY Bi! pisses me off a lot. Especially because of how that stuff makes nonromantic love inaccessible to the cultural mind.

Not super related but my main issue (besides fetishization) is when female love interests, especially WOC, queer women, disabled women, plus sized women, etc. are demeaned for a gay ship or any ship, really.
Look at Rose Tico from The Last Jedi. A ton of people hate her for frankly stupid reasons (some of which solely hate her for being an Asian woman, nevermind that there's literally blue people in Star Wars) and a big reason I see is "she broke up Finnrey!" or "she broke up Stormpilot!" as if either was even canon to begin with.
I've never seen someone treat Poe or Rey the way I've seen Rose treated for 'getting in the way'. I've seen her called useless, a bitch, dumb, clingy, ugly, jealous, abusive, and worse for simply existing. It's one thing to dislike her character type, I know that the excitable soft girl isn't everyone's thing, but to completely erase her purpose in the story because you want your OTP to be canon is stupid and childish.
Let's break down those adjectives.

  • 'Useless': She literally saves Finn's life, and does her best to save the resistance and would've if she and Finn hadn't been betrayed.
  • 'A bitch': She's not? She's really nice, the first time we meet her she's fangirling over meeting her hero.
  • 'Dumb': She's an inventor who's made countless things to help the resistance but whatever
  • 'Clingy': Because she doesn't want Finn to waste his life in a pointless sacrifice? His ship was melting, he'd have died without making a dent
  • 'Ugly': Have you seen Kelly Marie Tran? Sure, her costume and hair for the film wasn't the most flattering, but she's still pretty. But we all know that the costume and the haircut wasn't what they meant
  • 'Jealous': This is, in part, due to her characterization in the novelization as being jealous of Rey (which has been addressed and apologized for by the novelization's author) which was barely, if at all, present in the movie. If anything she's disappointed that Finn weights the life of his friends above that of the resisitance
  • 'Abusive': Oh boy, he's a big one. The reason Rose is called abusive is because she tazes Finn in the first scene she meets him, but with context it makes sense. Rose was handed a tazer and told to incapacitate anyone who tried to desert. Finn tried to desert right after Rose's sister was killed, and she'd just been freaking out over meeting her idol only to find out that he was running away, so she tazes him for being a deserter. People act like she never grew from this point, but she did. That's the only remotely abusive thing she does. Compare a resistance-ordered taze for desertion to Rey beating Finn up with her staff because a droid told her that Finn had the droid's master's jacket, and which was more rational? Rose's.

It's honestly kinda disgusting.

@GameMaster group

okay, so do we all like solangelo??

Nah. Because it’s just a basic SunshineXBroody and if it was a straight it would be disliked by pretty much everyone. And the gay is so shoved it’s annoying.

I mean I don’t know if you’ve read the latest on Trials of Apollo but it’s definitely developed. Nothing wrong with cliche romance as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone. Cliches are cliche for a reason, it works.

@GameMaster group

The only ship I like in Percy Jackson is Percabeth, and SunshineXBroody was done better all the way back in 1831.

Yeah I mostly agree with the Percabeth thing
I don’t like Jason soo I automatically don’t like Piper and Jason
Leo and Calypso felt weird. And Leo just let his friends think he was dead and went off to go adventure with her.
I don’t actually hate Frank and Hazel. I think they’re cute, just a little dull

I hate Jason, I don't like Piper, Frank and Hazel is weird because she's 13 and he's 16, and Calypso is obnoxious in the newer books.

I don’t like Jason much (wasn’t even all that sad when he died) and piper was always a pretty boring character. I love frank and hazel who are currently 14 and 16 which is still a bit odd but cmon they’re adorable. Calypso was under a ton of pressure in the new books so I know what you mean but I disagree. I would hardly call they’re trip an adventure but whatever. Percabeth rocks. Beatrice is my favorite.

@Moxie group

But it’s the default because it’s the normal one. Lgbt make up like 4% or something.

“it’s the normal one”? Are you serious man?

We still exist. Normal isn’t a thing, it’s an abstract idea

Deleted user

But it’s the default because it’s the normal one. Lgbt make up like 4% or something.

“it’s the normal one”? Are you serious man?

We still exist. Normal isn’t a thing, it’s an abstract idea

normal is relative

Screaming cinnamon roll

But it’s the default because it’s the normal one. Lgbt make up like 4% or something.

For adults yes. For youth its more like 20-30%

Honestly, I don't really think that it's actually 4%. I think that we live in a time right now that is much more comfortable with queer and gay representation and people are much more curious with their sexuality. I think because of that, a lot more people are realizing their sexuality and are more comfortable being out and proud about it.


okay, so do we all like solangelo??

Nah. Because it’s just a basic SunshineXBroody and if it was a straight it would be disliked by pretty much everyone. And the gay is so shoved it’s annoying.

I got a little offended cause

  1. It's my girlfriend and me's favourite ship
  2. That is me and my gf in a nutshell, I'm broody, She's sunshine

Deleted user

Uhhhh speak for yourself everyone I love SunshineXBroody not matter the type of couple

Do you mean: Eris and Jay?

Deleted user

For instance, there is no way Sherlock is gay! Anyone who really looks at his character instead of making wishful fantasies would know that he would most likely be Aro-Ace!

Which Sherlock are we talking here? Because Book!Sherlock vs RDJ!Sherlock vs BenniehooCucumberpitch!Sherlock….. we have a few variations of sexuality.

Deleted user

ShAnG iS defiNiTeLY Bi!

It's that one scene where He looks all impressed that Ping/Mulan knocked him on his ass. Which I can understand it, but I like the idea of men being friends with men without the undercurrent of someone has to be gay because there isn't a lot of male-male relationships in movies like what Mulan brought to us in such a glorious way. Not even with Shang/Ping but with Ling/Jin Po/Yao/Ping etc.