forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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@HighPockets group

For instance, there is no way Sherlock is gay! Anyone who really looks at his character instead of making wishful fantasies would know that he would most likely be Aro-Ace!

Which Sherlock are we talking here? Because Book!Sherlock vs RDJ!Sherlock vs BenniehooCucumberpitch!Sherlock….. we have a few variations of sexuality.

Well book obviously.

AH! Well then I agree with the statement you made. Aro-Ace is quite fitting.

He was also a morphine addict, iirc!


I honestly wouldn’t mind an arranged marriage for myself. People always think it’s some evil oppressive thing that forces women to marry dudes against their will. But it’s not. Really basically (without the system being abused) arranged marriage is like having a ton of wingmen/people/whatever-the-hell-with this-PC-talk, as well as a dating service made out of a whole neighborhood.

While as intriguing as it is– My parents/community could never pick the right guy/gal for me.

I don't like the idea of arranged marriage for both the reason that Eris mentioned and also because I'd rather make the decision myself of a marriage after a long time of thinking over the decision after dating someone, rather than being married off to someone.

If someone wants to be my wingperson, they can, but they can do so without pre-arranging a relationship.

Besides, you never know of the person you are forced to marry is an asshole or not, or worse yet, abusive.

Deleted user

This is true! The person the community may pick could have a different personality in public than behind closed doors.

Deleted user

But I still think the greater part of the system could still be most useful even in this modern age. gestures to tinder sadly

Although I dabbled, I find that online dating is fucking dumb

Deleted user

But I still think the greater part of the system could still be most useful even in this modern age. gestures to tinder sadly

Although I dabbled, I find that online dating is fucking dumb

I'd love to read your online dating profile lol

Deleted user

Oh let's see if I remember it.


It was the vampire emoji, then the middle finger emoji.
I only had one picture up.
And I think it said along the lines of:

*Seriously, don't get serious. I just want someone to buy me dinner and watch anime with me."

Deleted user

because your profile picture doesn't look like a child in a classic 'I'm Young and Adorable' pose

Deleted user

That's from a while ago I even have a pixie cut now lol bc gay but aNyWhO

Deleted user

That's from a while ago I even have a pixie cut now lol bc gay but aNyWhO

we love this comeback aha