forum Brainstorming+writing practice: Let's make a novel!
Started by @CopperQueen

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add an H to the beginning of them

Deleted user

A bunch of that is blocked on my computer, can you put it onto a google doc?


It's beak and legs have a wood-like texture and it's feathers can change color depending on what kind of tree it's in

Deleted user

I really like it! But… if you made it a bit more red and brown, it would probably look better.


also the birds are like the size of a full grown standing Husky

The twins would compete about who could catch Lunos bird and ride it when they were young


Ok unrelated but am I the only one who finds the concept of mermaids weird? Like, who thought “Let’s take an attractive woman, then merge it with the derpiest creature known to man kind, and then tell stories about it drowning and eating men?” (Before you say anything, I do know the story behind mermaids and where they came from, it’s still weird to think about though)


Wait, but if the mermaids drown and eat men, then the blobbudes would most likely eat women. …What would the NB dolphin eat? More NB people? Both girls and boys?


Ok unrelated but am I the only one who finds the concept of mermaids weird? Like, who thought “Let’s take an attractive woman, then merge it with the derpiest creature known to man kind, and then tell stories about it drowning and eating men?” (Before you say anything, I do know the story behind mermaids and where they came from, it’s still weird to think about though)

I know the story behind mermaids, but that is really funny to think about xD


B u t t e r f l y s

Snap, now I just imagined the world's derpiest NB dolphin gracefully flopping out of the ocean Majikarp-style to eat a butterfly. I need to stop laughing dang it