forum Brainstorming+writing practice: Let's make a novel!
Started by @CopperQueen

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Just make a new one, that what I did

Can’t. Not allowed.

How come? Is it your internet or provider or something that doesn't let you?


Hey, I had a little idea for a thing about Kerrigan, since we haven't talked about him a lot recently.
What if his powers, that are considered femine, actually cause dysphoria and the other witches go to great lenghts so he doesn't have to use them, and Taramy gets really frustrated and tries to push him to all the time, not knowing the context.

And eventually Kerrigan actually does use it and gets really insecure about it and Geranium tries to calm him down and Taramy realizes the situation or smth like that. She needs to eventually apologize tho.
Because I want to show that Taramy is a good person, just very new to their world


Hey, I had a little idea for a thing about Kerrigan, since we haven't talked about him a lot recently.
What if his powers, that are considered femine, actually cause dysphoria and the other witches go to great lenghts so he doesn't have to use them, and Taramy gets really frustrated and tries to push him to all the time, not knowing the context.

And eventually Kerrigan actually does use it and gets really insecure about it and Geranium tries to calm him down and Taramy realizes the situation or smth like that. She needs to eventually apologize tho.
Because I want to show that Taramy is a good person, just very new to their world



I shared it with you. If there's anyone who doesn't have access to the document now, speak up

Me… I still can't make another email so I'm just going to be the design buddy


I need it, but I also need some time to make an anonymous gmail so I can edit it without giving away my identity, is that okay?

Of course that's okay, Batty. Completely understandable.


I shared it with you. If there's anyone who doesn't have access to the document now, speak up

Me… I still can't make another email so I'm just going to be the design buddy

Oh yeah maybe there's some way we can share it with you anyway? Is it okay if I make an email and share and then just give yu the password?


Hey this might be a pretty silly suggestion but what if we had like, a tumblr page or smth for the story as well, to do those develop-your-oc things, post references and maybe, just maybe, spread it around once it's finished.
I know it's a weird idea so feel free to ignore it.


As a publicity thing? Sure I suppose, though I don't know if we should trust Tumblr of all places.
I personally trust Tapas more than Tumblr in the sense that I know Tapas is very friendly to original content creators. I'm more wary with Tumblr cuz of the bots and this whole purge thing that happened recently.


I shared it with you. If there's anyone who doesn't have access to the document now, speak up

Me… I still can't make another email so I'm just going to be the design buddy

Oh yeah, maybe there's some way we can share it with you anyway? Is it okay if I make an email and share and then just give you the password?

I'm not sure if I can really do that either, but It's fine. I wouldn't know what to write anyway so I'd probably just be there to spellcheck, which all the rest of you are probably equally capable of.

I'll probably just hang out here and help with designing characters or locations, that's what I'm best at anyway.


As a publicity thing? Sure I suppose, though I don't know if we should trust Tumblr of all places.
I personally trust Tapas more than Tumblr in the sense that I know Tapas is very friendly to original content creators. I'm more wary with Tumblr cuz of the bots and this whole purge thing that happened recently.

I was thinking more of one of those character pages, but yeah, publicity kind of. Not now tho, after we've started up a bit. And what's Tapas? I haven't heard of it but it might be something


As a publicity thing? Sure I suppose, though I don't know if we should trust Tumblr of all places.
I personally trust Tapas more than Tumblr in the sense that I know Tapas is very friendly to original content creators. I'm more wary with Tumblr cuz of the bots and this whole purge thing that happened recently.

I was thinking more of one of those character pages, but yeah, publicity kind of. Not now tho, after we've started up a bit. And what's Tapas? I haven't heard of it but it might be something

Tapas is a site similar to Wattpad, only that it's better in every way. Tapas can upload written stories and comic panels and artwork. Tapas isn't glitchy in the slightest, and creators help each other out just by reading what was uploaded. Tapas can only be uploaded to from the website, but it is also accessible as an app which you can get for free, you just can't upload to Tapas from the app form. Tapas has a sort-of strict rating policy, and won't allow anything of an R-rating to be posted, and requires that content creators put up trigger warnings before heavier content, such as blood, gore, heavy cursing, promiscuously-vague scenes, etc.


There is original content everywhere you look too. No shitty lyric pages. No one-shots. No fanfics. Just original content that isn't buried under mounds of other not-very-thought-out works.
Nothing against fanfiction, but that's what AO3 is for. Wattpad was a failed attempt at a writing site. Tapas is just better and improved.

Plus, Tapas has a copyright policy that protects original content creators.


I suppose that's the thng. Um do we make it a collab blog or just a new account? If you have tumblr we ccan make a group blog and it'll be easier