forum Brainstorming+writing practice: Let's make a novel!
Started by @CopperQueen

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Snap, now I just imagined the world's derpiest NB dolphin gracefully flopping out of the ocean Majikarp-style to eat a butterfly. I need to stop laughing dang it


Deleted user

I would… But I drew my daily dose of derpy dolphins already.

Deleted user

I would… But I drew my daily dose of derpy dolphins already.

I am concerned as to what to the maximum dose is

About thirty-two


I would… But I drew my daily dose of derpy dolphins already.

I am concerned as to what to the maximum dose is

About thirty-two

Do you get a fit of drawing whatever you're thinking about and just black out? How have you made 32

Deleted user

I was doing some weird art and found a simple way to draw derpy dolphins, I took my chance.


I'm doing very good! I slept well, had a good dream, went to church this morning, and I'm now eating donuts and drinking hot cocoa all while wrapped up in a cozy blanket.