forum Brainstorming+writing practice: Let's make a novel!
Started by @CopperQueen

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Sorry I haven't been contributing much, is there anything I can do?

We kind of need to make a timeline/summary, draw designs for all the charachters and name the twins.
Otherwise just throw out some ideas you have and we'll see what to keep and what not to


I actually had this idea where there could be, like, a big lake towards the central regions that connects to rivers in the other regions, and there could be water mermaids, but they're the polar opposite of the magmermaids in everything and the two species are longstanding rivals and there could be a subplot where the witches are trying to make allies of both but they won't cooperate.


I actually had this idea where there could be, like, a big lake towards the central regions that connects to rivers in the other regions, and there could be water mermaids, but they're the polar opposite of the magmermaids in everything and the two species are longstanding rivals and there could be a subplot where the witches are trying to make allies of both but they won't cooperate.

Magmaids VS Mermaid rivalry sounds really good or a sub-plot!
For story's sake, the mermaids are actually more dangerous than the magmaids but most humanoids avoid the entire southern region, so they assume magmaids are the worse kind


This is Copper from the group account.
It's like a really big island that basically makes up the entire world, because there are currently no other known locations.
the regions fade into eachother at the north-west, north-east and south-west region, but on the others there are controlled borders with more sudden and dramatic transitions


Also I have a little idea for the magmaids vs mermaids thing

What if the magmaid's representants is a really down to earth, mature and aromantic realist
while the mermaid's represantant is a love-struck enthusiastic but unprofessional optimist

And they just
Don't understan eachother


Mermaid: Ahhh that girl is so cute what do I do…
Magmaid: Talk to her.
Mermaid: I can't just TALK TO HER
Magmaid: It's not that hard, it's like talking to me.
Mermaid: Yeah but she's cute….
Magmaid: HEY!