forum Brainstorming+writing practice: Let's make a novel!
Started by @CopperQueen

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Ok… so would they have weapons or just magic? And would Taramy have to learn to use weapins)

They struggle to teach Taramy witchcraft (Wich is what the trio does) but she does better with wepons, especially long distance because she's scared to go to close to the often surperior enemies


She should have a taser!

What if she already owns the tazer
And she tazes one of the witches when she's new and they look all scary and tough
And they're like "mAGiC tecNOloGY WITchCRaFt whAT Is tHIS"


Let's keep that in the story as a humor element. Then Taramy could be like "but aren't you witches?"



"Compacted electricity in a small battery which is released via small darts. This can be shot over a distance of 11 meters and is pretty powerful."

Geranium: "???????????????????????????????????"
Terimane: "SWEET"


Hey can we develop the Lunos brother story?
Why he was banished and how he was involved in the association etc.
I really like the Lunos siblings I'm sorry

Deleted user

Me too, I was thinking he could have a really normal name like: "Charles"
It's not like I already created an entire character based off the concept…


Me too, I was thinking he could have a really normal name like: "Charles"
It's not like I already created an entire character based off the concept…

You did, didn't you?
Mind sharing?

Deleted user

His name is Charles, Charlie for short. He has hair that imitates blue slime and often drips in his face. He has a normal arm and then he has an arm made of the same substance as his hair and it can morph into random things. He's really nice, but is vey shy. He rebeled from the family and became a killer known by the name: *I haven't decided yet, I'm thinking something like The Dripping Killer.

Deleted user

Oh, and he has a black mask with blue designs that look like dripping coming fromm the eyes.


His name is Charles, Charlie for short. He has hair that imitates blue slime and often drips in his face. He has a normal arm and then he has an arm made of the same substance as his hair and it can morph into random things. He's really nice, but is vey shy. He rebeled from the family and became a killer known by the name: *I haven't decided yet, I'm thinking something like The Dripping Killer.

Maybe we need a bit motivation for why he would be a killer. I always imagined him as this nice yet shy person but he puts on a shell of confidence and tries to be inspiring, but doesn't actually think he's good enough to be in a role of importance.

Also we need to align him to Lunos via some genetic features so they all kind of seem related


What of his name is Dark Golem? Only thinking of that because in the webtoon The Gamer, Jihan makes Golems and they are able to transform their arms into different things like machines guns etc

Deleted user

His name is Charles, Charlie for short. He has hair that imitates blue slime and often drips in his face. He has a normal arm and then he has an arm made of the same substance as his hair and it can morph into random things. He's really nice, but is vey shy. He rebeled from the family and became a killer known by the name: *I haven't decided yet, I'm thinking something like The Dripping Killer.

Maybe we need a bit motivation for why he would be a killer. I always imagined him as this nice yet shy person but he puts on a shell of confidence and tries to be inspiring, but doesn't actually think he's good enough to be in a role of importance.

Also we need to align him to Lunos via some genetic features so they all kind of seem related

The hair and pale skin, both their hair colors are similar shades of blue

The killer part I think was him trying to protect his family from people like their parents, who were abusive?


What of his name is Dark Golem? Only thinking of that because in the webtoon The Gamer, Jihan makes Golems and they are able to transform their arms into different things like machines guns etc

Golem kind of means he was created by someone else to serve them/ was created by magic and that's not really what he is, he's an own kind of mythical creature