forum Brainstorming+writing practice: Let's make a novel!
Started by @CopperQueen

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Wai wait I have a Taramy idea
So the witch tell the group all about the night when he died
And in the end it's like:
"He was kicked out and on his own, so you can't blame him for being lonely."
Taramy stiffens up in the backround
"That whole witch rights thing really didn't sit well with the rest of your family"
And Taramy suddenly hugs Lunos
Really tightly from the back
And he doesn't understand and she's like:
"I get it now! He's just like me! He just wasn't lucky enough to storm into Kerrigan."


Im too lazy to read all of this… Can someone please summerize it?

Lunos pretends he's not Lunos to get information about his brother


Im too lazy to read all of this… Can someone please summerize it?

Lunos pretends he's not Lunos to get information about his brother

Also Taramy-Charlie paralells and Taramy is a videogame nerd


Im too lazy to read all of this… Can someone please summerize it?

Lunos pretends he's not Lunos to get information about his brother

Also Taramy-Charlie paralells and Taramy is a videogame nerd



It's an amazing design!! Although in my own opinion, your can use it or not lol, I think having a darker top would look better

I haven't shaded the top yet so that's an easy change, I'll find a darker color


Ok, I'm glad you aren't getting mad at me for criticizing your design

Of course not, criticism is helpful! Is there anything else you see that could use some changing?


I had an idea and I even made a stupid drawing and everything but my camera is acting up so I'm just gonna say it:
Anti-syren glasses made from rubies put together by wire and wichever one of them wears it has it around their neck and just holds it in front of their eyes to not be affected. (Not something they would wear everyday, just some extra equipement)

Deleted user

That's a cool idea but wouldn't earrings work better? Cuz sound cancelling lol

I can actually add that idea to the picture if we go with that

That would be cool, I'm woring on drawing the desinds for the twins.


Hey, so about a week or so ago I made this outfit Lunos or Kerrigan (I think)

And recently I drew this bird and thought "Hey, maybe that's what Lunos's mask is made from."

Idk why I shared this. I just wanted to have at least a little bit of a way to contribute I guess?