forum Brainstorming+writing practice: Let's make a novel!
Started by @CopperQueen

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I'm doing very good! I slept well, had a good dream, went to church this morning, and I'm now eating donuts and drinking hot cocoa all while wrapped up in a cozy blanket.

I'm jealous that seems so comfy

Deleted user

I'm going to see a person who I basicly become the most fake person around becuase she doesn't accept my identity, for an entire day…

But I got ramen!


I'm going to see a person who I basicly become the most fake person around becuase she doesn't accept my identity, for an entire day…

But I got ramen!

Did it go okay?


Hey I have an idea: Charlie kept a journal and the one who finds it isn't Lunos, it isn't the witches, but Taramy.
And being the curious and snoopy little human she is, she reads through the entire thing before even telling the others she found it


Mmm… so kinda like a smaller version of a tengu with some additional features? Neato.

Not exactly a tengu. Kinda like a human bird hybrid. The picture I added is what my idea is based off of


Mmm… so kinda like a smaller version of a tengu with some additional features? Neato.

Not exactly a tengu. Kinda like a human bird hybrid. The picture I added is what my idea is based off of

I also made that bird


I added a summary document thing to the group account just so yall know.

Also, I think we should work a little more on either the geography or actual story