forum Hunter or Hunted? (Open)
Started by @Alex_is_alone_again

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@CasiCasino group

“Well, not before killing the king here of course…” Aisen scratched his neck a little. “If you’d like to visit, we’d gladly welcome you” he said with a smile.


"O-oh, that's okay!" Adara said, a little startled. "Well, we better kill the king quickly then!" She joked lightly, despite her heavy heart.

@CasiCasino group

Aisen started to walk deeper within the castle walls. “Don’t worry about not seeing me again, me and my brother are both dimensional hoppers. So we’ll come back here once in a while…” he explained while fidgeting with his revolver.

@CasiCasino group

“If I remember correctly, the only things guarding us from the king now are—“ he paused as a large figure walked towards them “—the royal guards…speaking of the devils, here’s one of them.” After Aisen has said the following, he got out his longsword with one hand holding the revolver.

@CasiCasino group

Aisen grinned “I would gladly do just that…” He dashed towards the figure firing his revolver at their eyes, blinding them. His longsword is now covered in blue aura. He blocked the giant blade the figure held with ease before stabbing them through the chest, covering the wound with crystals similar to the ones used to freeze the soldiers outside. Slicing upwards, the figure was cut in half. He proceeded to sheath his blade while he giggled at Adara “How was that…?”

@CasiCasino group

(I don’t know how to answer so……)

Aisen cleansed his blade a little before stabbing the figure again creating another crystal pool on the figure’s body. Out of boredom he sliced the figure’s now crystallized head. “Shall we continue?” He asked.


(Oh. Sorry.)

Adara shrugged. "Alright." She skipped down the hall, her booted feet making no noise as they hit the floor. She saw a large door and knew instantly that this was it. She placed her hand on the handle. Instantly, a wave of cold swept through her and she cried out before blacking out and vanishing, leaving nothing behind but a few ice crystals.

@CasiCasino group

Perhaps, Out of shock, Aisen quickly follow Adara. Seeing the ice crystals, he placed his hands on the handle but didn’t vanish like Adara did. Instead he struggled to open the large door. After a short period of time, the door opened.


Adara awoke chained to a chair. She was soaked and freezing, and her fire seemed to be gone. She looked around. She was in the throne room. She glanced over and saw the king, his face shadowed.
"Hello, Adara," he said in a smooth voice. "I've been waiting for you."

@CasiCasino group

(I’m gonna make this possibly worse)

Instead of arriving at the throne room, Aisen met with a group of royal guards. “The hell?!” He exclaimed before they all charge at him all at once.


(And they both died. The end. XD)

"How did you know I was coming?" Adara demanded.
The king turned to face her fully. Her jaw dropped and she stared at him with wide eyes.