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forum Hunter or Hunted? (Open)
Started by @Alex_is_alone_again

people_alt 43 followers

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“Woah, please calm down I don’t want to hurt you” his hands seemed to have swirling air in them


"The last thing you could do is hurt me," Selene says to Lewis, rolling her eyes. "Okay, fine then. But whatever my brother promises he can do, it won't be good enough." Selene says. Dark circles begin to form under Selene's eyes and they get darker and darker, growing and taking over her face. She throws her head back in pain and lets out an ear-piercing scream. The darkness trickles from her face and slithers onto her neck. Selene falls to the floor, landing on her knees. Her eyes widen and then they snap shut, her arms and legs consumed in darkness.

"Yeah it's bad, she's a half snake half woman and this particular one doesn't like me very much." Elm says to Aza, pausing between breaths.


"Pretty much, yeah." Elm says. "There's an exit to the labyrinth further down I can feel it." He says to Aza. There is a weird sensation in the air, like clean air is blowing your way.

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“What is happening!?” He said with concern


Elm almost tripped over himself with Aza's sudden burst of speed, but he joined her. A soft light comes from down the hall, it seems to be emitting from a crack in the wall.

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He started to walk back slowly and swirling energy started to grow in his hands


Her dead stare focuses on the floor, and Selene is still. A foul-smelling wind comes from the opened door, and it settles over Selene. Her fingers begin twitching. She looks at Lewis, tears brimming.
"Run, while you still can." She says, hoarsely.

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His mind buzzing stay and try and help or run I can’t leave but I don’t want to have to hurt anyone he decided “how could I help? I know I might die by helping but I still will try”