forum Hunter or Hunted? (Open)
Started by @Alex_is_alone_again

people_alt 43 followers


Elm nodded, and followed Aza. The creature's ears perked up and he stared straight at Aza. He dashed over suddenly, and leaped. "Ignis!" Elm yelled and held up his hands with his thumbs and index fingers touching to form a triangular shape. Fire burst through and hit the dog-like thing. "RUN!" Elm yelled, and then collapsed onto Aza from exhaustion.


Hunter jerked away from the creature as fast as she could. She tapped it, and the creature turned into pure glass, a glimmering statue. She glanced around. "Where did that elf go?"


While Elm dreamed, Selene got busy. She walked into the bar, the scent of dust, blood and alcohol filling her lungs.
She looked at Hunter. "What happened here? And what is that?" Selene says, pointing at the glass statue. "And have you seen an elf anywhere? I'm looking for my brother." She said, almost sounding like a lost child.


Selene looked Lewis up and down, like a scanner. "You." She said. "How dare you live, after all the hard work I put into killing you." Her voice melted into a demonic growl, yet you could still hear her regular voice, they spoke united, as Selene. "I need to stop this immediately, the prophecy must not come true!" She said.
Selene blinked, and a horrified expression covered her face for three to five seconds before it reverted to a cruel sneer. "Kill." She said. A thundering sound came, soft at first, but growing. A horde of deformed and misshapen hounds crawled, ran, limped, slithered into the bar, running towards Lewis and Hunter.

Elm yawned, blinking away remnants of a dream he had already forgotten. He stared at the sky for a moment, then to his left. Azalane. He looked at her for a moment, her features. She was pretty good-looking. "How did you get this close to my heart?" He murmured. Elm was always the 'villain' back home, and, tired of fighting it, played the part, well as he could. Sitting up, Elm grabbed Aza's hands.
"Somnium tuum, finem,
(This is your dream, and the end. awake)


"And then I just woke up here and woke you up. I don't know if Lewis or Hunter are alright or not, but I guess it doesn't matter at this point." Elm said, still holding Aza's hands. "So, I don't know about you, but I'm hungry after all that 'shadow-portalling'"


Standing, Elm pulled Aza up, dropping her hands afterwards. "Your hands are cold." He says, looking at Aza. A passer-by stops to look at Elm and Aza. "Hey you," Elm called to him. "Do you know where we could get a decent meal around here?" The passer-by shakes his head, rushing away. "Well that was-" Elm's snarky comment was cut off by the sound of a scream. "THEY'RE COMING!"


"Er- no, we don't need me to be lugging you around like a sack of potatoes for another five hours. It's my turn to be cool." Elm says, looking at the black in Aza's blood. "After this, I'll see if I can heal you."
Placing the tips of his left hand's fingers to the tips of his right hand's fingers, Elm began an incantation.
"Terra, aperire et abscondere nobis."
He says, and before they know it, Azzy and Elm are underground.
"Welcome to the Labyrinth." Elm says, voice bouncing off the walls, echoing.


A crisp smile formed on Selene's face, and she sweetly smiled at Hunter. "I like you, Hunter. Perhaps we can make a deal." She said, an excited glint in her eyes. "I know the locations of the two people you're searching for. Aisen and Adara. I can take you there, as long as you can help me with Elmsworth and Azalane."

Elm looked at Aza with a smile. "Sometimes, but normally my hands are colder." He says. An echoing noise comes from further down the Labyrinth.


"It honestly could be anything, but I doubt it's stronger than us," Elm reassured her. The sound of footsteps came from down the hall. "Hello? Anybody there? Where am I?" The voice of a woman came from the hall. "Oh, shit."
Elm whispered and turned around. "Run!" He yelled, and hissing could be heard from where the woman's voice came from. "That's Naga." Elm told Aza while they ran.