forum Hunter or Hunted? (Open)
Started by @Alex_is_alone_again

people_alt 43 followers


Elm smiled, and he hopped off Avem with Aza and walked into the town. "Now, where's the nearest tavern?" He looked around corners, but nothing. And no one either. Everything was quiet. "Hm, is it a holiday or something?" He asked Aza.


Selene opened her eyes, and blinked a few times. "Huh? Where am I?" A tall shadowy figure stood in front of her. She was lying on the floor. "Oh." She said and hopped to her feet, ignoring the massive headache. He was handsome. "Oh." She said again. He smiled at her. "Selene! Good morning. I was wondering when you'd wake up." Selene nodded, and then shook her head. "Wait, where am I and what happened? Who are you?" The figure laughed. "I'm sure you have many questions. I am the Prince of the kingdom you live in. I was murdered by a certain fire mage who needs to die. She killed everyone in the palace, leaving their corpses unrecognizable or burnt to a crisp." Selene cringed. "Ouch." The prince nodded. "You're the heir, Selene. You're the next queen!" He says, happily. "What? No I'm not." The prince grabbed Selene's hand. "You are! You were adopted, remember. You are the daughter of the king! Those insolent fools believed they could kill him that easily. He was merely using the body of the king. I'll take you to meet your true father shortly." The prince says.
"Okay but where am I?" Selene asks, unfazed. "This is the Underworld. The Hub where everyone goes when they die. And our father rules over it." Selene shakes her head. "You can't be real. This is…" Selene looked around. People connected by chains were walking in straight lines, faces of despair on each one. "If our father is ruling over this place then he must be-" Selene's conclusion was interrupted by the prince. "Yes! Him! You got it! My sister is so smart." Selene got the shivers. "Listen, you're freaky. I don't like you." The prince shrugged. "Get used to it. Now, you remember what happened, don't you?" Selene shook her head then stopped. "Oh no…" The memory flooded in again and she collapsed to the floor. "I… I killed him." The prince nodded with a smile. "Yes you did! Father was very proud, although he did have to guide you." Selene hopped to her feet and attempted a punch. Her fist went right through Prince.


Elm turned to Aza. "Dead?" He looked around, not seeing anyone. "Are you sure?" Elm groaned inwardly. Why do all my dates either end up trying to kill me or getting ruined by killed people


"Don't-don't do that," she stammered, then waved her hand in the air. Two lines of glowing blue script appeared.

Your soul is your quarry, your soul we shall keep

if by stealing from those who lie you disturb their sleep

"They enchanted it. Everything in this town is enchanted by the person who killed the inhabitants," she said in astonishment. "Only someone with vast power could do something like that."

Deleted user

Height: 5/10

Race: wood elf

Build: Thin and a small amount of muscle

Weight: 140

Skin tone: a small tan

Gender: male

Flaws: he Trusts people to fast and won’t let his friends die

Talents: good at archery and skilled at some magic

Relationships: none, pansexual though

Outfit: average leather armor, and coat under the armor


Elm went into his fighting stance, and kept his eyes locked on the building, preparing for trouble. A moment of silence filled with tension went by, and then the door to the building toppled over. Nothing else happened, yet

Deleted user

(Thanks I’m not the best at inserting characters into stories)