forum Hunter or Hunted? (Open)
Started by @Alex_is_alone_again

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@CasiCasino group

(You are not gonna likely the other guys I have in store, trust me XD. One of them is the exact equivalent of a male Adara with ice instead of fire)


Adara couldn't suppress a small shiver of sadness that ran through her as they disappeared, but she shrugged it off. She walked over to the people in the ring of fire and opened a small gap, enough to fit one person. "Go," she said. "And tell everyone that there is a new ruler now." She smirked as they tried to get out, pushing and clamoring for the entrance.

@CasiCasino group

Aisen actually came back since he had forgotten his longsword. He opened the portal, got his sword…but forgot to close it on the back.

(You asked for it)


(Well, sorry!)

Adara examined the portal. Glancing around carefully, she started to step inside, then stopped. She felt a pulling in her gut, and found herself in a strange place, full of hard rock roads and tall metal buildings. She looked around. Where was she?
"Welcome to Earth, Adara,"a voice in her head said.


(Well, the king was already dead, so…)

Adara pulled her hood over her face and trudged down the sidewalk. She had been here for a few months now, and the weird voice in her head helped her understand the bizarre culture. Apparently there was no magic here! These pathetic Earthlings had never had or seen powers before!

@CasiCasino group

(Can we just imagine if Aisen and Carlsen were both still here and taken to Earth with Adara just separated. Like one day Adara just goes to Starbucks, orders whatever and “What’s your name ma’am?” “Adara” “Wait, really?”. Just… think about it XD)


(That would be beautiful. And then in the middle of all those people they just start talking about things in her world and everyone thinks they belong in an asylum.)

@CasiCasino group

(Oh god, that would be the weirdest conversation ever… “So uh, how’s life?” “Pretty good, though I haven’t killed someone in a while now, so mildly boring. Apparently it’s illegal here.” Staffs whispering “What the hell are they talking about?”)

@CasiCasino group

(“Oh, me and Carl got teleported to what they call an…apartment? Yeah, Carl had some cash with him so we managed to get a room. He’s now working at that place. Also, yes we know that they don’t have any powers” and he just points to the nearest McDonalds)

@CasiCasino group

(I won’t lie, if I found someone talking about how they haven’t killed someone in a while and it’s making them bored, I would also call the asylum)


Elm widened his eyes at Aza's question and smiled. "Quite frankly, it's a long story. He practically was the biggest disappointment that was ever born." Pinecrest responded, unfazed. "He was the cause of death to our first son and he left our home, leaving my daughter brotherless. And for what? To learn magic? Why, he's so weak he can barely cast a healing spell. He thought he could be like his great grandfather, a great healer. There's a reason we cut Elmsworth off from our family. He's no son of mine, and I won't tolerate him. As long as you're here, Elmsworth, stay out of my sight." Pinecrest says, and goes back to reading on the couch. Elm's smile is wiped off his face and replaced with a frown. "Whatever, old man." Elm mutters.
A girl younger than Elm and Aza by a few years emerges from the next room, glowering. Silvery blonde hair flows down her shoulders. She wears a red jacket over black shirt. "Father, my stupid-" She freezes when she sees Elm and Aza standing in the kitchen.
"Oh. My. Gosh. ELM!" She yells and tackles Elm in a hug. "And a pretty girl! She's out of your league, brother." Elm scowls. "Pfft, be quiet." Elm replies, swiping his dark hair back. "Hey, I'm Selene, aka Elm's cooler sibling."

"Pinecrest, you seem like an old dirtbag, and Selene, you're mildly annoying." Aza scoots back slightly. "Elm's twice the elf you'll ever be."