forum Hunter or Hunted? (Open)
Started by @Alex_is_alone_again

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@CasiCasino group

Several cuts, scars and bruises later, Aisen managed to get rid of the royal guards in that room. His breathing was loud enough that it echoed in the room. Not waiting for time to pass, he opened the exit door of that room. As he got a grip on the handle, he felt that the handle was slippery…more than it should’ve been. He soon realized that his arms and hands were bleeding aggressively. He walked into the hallways after the room, closing it on the way.


The king laughed cruelly. "No, not your father. Your uncle."
"Why are you doing this?" Adara asked, struggling against the bonds.
"Because," the king said, snapping his fingers, a burst of ice appearing before falling to the floor and shattering. "I want to be the only one left."

@CasiCasino group

(I highly respect your multitasking skills, as I just saw you reply to two other discussions XD)

Aisen, despite having spent a lot of his stamina on dealing with the guards, made his way to the throne room. Possibly because the hallway was empty and had pin drop silence, he overheard the short conversation they had. Instead of opening the door like a normal person would, he fused his revolver and longsword to make a large battle axe, in which he swung full force at the door, blindly aiming at the male sound coming from the room.


(Thanks lol.)

"You're one of us?" Adara couldn't believe it. "And you're killing us just because we're the same?"
"WE ARE NOT THE SAME!" Her uncle slammed his fists against the edges of the throne.

@CasiCasino group

The doors to the throne room were sent flying, hitting the king’s head directly. Aisen walked slowly into the room with blood dripping on the floor. “Well, well…looks like I’m a little late to the party…Mind having another guest, your majesty?” He exclaimed as he summoned multiple flame phantoms to reheat Adara’s body. The battle axe he held changed to his main weapon, a scythe. He grinned with mischief, as if he planned…something.

(Trust me, there will be something…)


(Oh no! Spare me from that something! XD)

Adara glanced up at him. "Took you long enough," she said as the spirits warmed her. She melted her chains and smirked, flames growing on her fists.

@CasiCasino group

He grinned at Adara. “Well, you did skip the disastrous room I got into so…that’s one thing.” He noticed that the king started to stand up. “Oh yeah, family problems…hehe, right” he giggled sarcastically.

@CasiCasino group

“Not really, but if we were in the same family…that would be a different story” he smirked. He held up his scythe, supporting it on his shoulder walking closer to the king.


(* fake sobs * You mean you didn't before?)

Adara gave him a curious look. "What is that supposed to mean?" She asked, opening and closing her hands as her fire slowly moved through her veins.

@CasiCasino group


“I won’t tell ya” he answered as the blue flame phantoms continue to heat Adara’s body. “So…what do we do with him now?” He asked as he nodded, looking directly at the king.

@CasiCasino group

Adara smiled sinisterly “Well, isn’t he your uncle? Plus, he’s a royal. So…he should at least die in a comfortable position…” he said as he creates another throne, blazing with cursed purple flames.


Adara snorted. "Nice touch." She reached out her hand to lift her uncle… and heard clapping. The world flashed, and she found herself, with Aisen and an unconscious soldier, standing in an arena. The king was clapping, high above them.

@CasiCasino group

(I was expecting something like this)

“The hell?!” He exclaimed. He looked at the arena, the people and their cheers. He seemed to be slightly traumatized as he looked at the large crowd. “So…what now?” He asked Adara as he looked around.


(Sorry, I had to.)

Before Adara could answer, the king spoke. "Well done," he said, his voice magically magnified. "You have managed to get to the arena. Now, you will fight for our entertainment!"
She turned to Aisen with wide eyes. "He wasn't trying to kill us, he was capturing us for his arena!"

@CasiCasino group

(Nah, I like it better this way)

Aisen glared up at the king, pointing his scythe at him. “Well…your majesty, what would happen if I were to disobey your orders…?” He challenged.


(I felt like it shouldn't be that easy.)

The king shrugged, then clenched his fist. Aisen's limbs were pinned to his sides. "If you don't," he said calmly. "Then I will kill your little girlfriend here." He motioned to Adara.

@CasiCasino group

(I was thinking the same thing)

Aisen sighed. “Only one of us can leave here alive…correct…?” He asked the king with a confident voice but a shaking body due to the pinning.


"No… not yet." The king's voice was quiet but deadly, with a hint of warning in it. "I want you both to fight my monsters until you can't fight any longer, and then tomorrow, you will fight more."

@CasiCasino group

“Monsters, eh? Sounds kinda fun to me…” Aisen secretly opened a small portal behind him where Carlsen was able to listen and see what’s going on.


The king somehow knew what he had done. He snapped his eyes towards the portal, then back at Aisen. "You asked for it."
Adara started to scream as waves of excruciating pain went through her.