forum Hunter or Hunted? (Open)
Started by @Alex_is_alone_again

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@CasiCasino group

“I would’ve stabbed you by now if it weren’t for the fact that you’re currently on the same side as I am…” he threatened as he walked through the portal. Stabbing the longsword to the ground once, the portal closes. “By the way, this might be a little random but—“ he looked at the castle “—you provided a very nice lap pillow experience” He spoke to her as he pulled the blade out of the ground.

(That ended up sounding creepier than expected XD)

@CasiCasino group

(By creepier than expected, I mean way creepier than expected)

Aisen grinned. “Maybe later, we’ve got company” he pointed his sword at the group of guards heading their way.

@CasiCasino group

(Geez, I almost fell asleep already lol)

The red strips on the fox mask that Aisen wore turned blue. He raised his hand up towards the group, creating a crystal sword rain that pierced most of their spines and some even break as they pierced the guards’ bodies. One of them sneaked up behind Aisen, only to be frozen in mid air by the same kind of crystal. He turned around and sliced the guard’s head open with his now blue longsword.

@CasiCasino group

Aisen laughed. “Be kind enough to let me show you one more trick of mine” His mask’s blue stripes turned to yellow. He held his sword up pointing at the remaining guards of this group. “This will be kind of…shocking” he said before slashing the blade down, releasing a high voltage of electricity at the guards. Their bodies fell to the ground one by one as he released another pulse, this time to a high degree…their bodies are now smoking.


(And… I left again. Dang, I'm a horrible person.)

Adara stared for a moment. "That was awesome!" She said. She snapped her fingers and burning figures appeared. They started to chase after the guards and envelop them in their mouths.

@CasiCasino group

Aisen stared at the figures with a really surprised face. “What the heck are those…?” He asked confusingly, yet he was interested in them.


"I just did!" Elm responded, dragging Aza into the Tree. But inside, it wasn't a tree. It was the inside of a small cottage-type house. A slender woman was stirring something in a pot, on a stove and a tall, thin man was reading a paper, sitting on a couch. There was a fire going in the fireplace and overall, the cottage was warm and smelled like cookies. It would have been pleasant if the woman hadn't piped up.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't the disappointment of a son." She rolled her eyes and didn't even turn to look at Elm and Aza.


"Mother, can you please not be rude in front of our guest?' Since Elm's mom hadn't turned around, she hadn't noticed Aza. She whipped around faster than a lightening bolt and rushed over to Aza. "Forgive me, darling, I didn't know my idiot son finally did something right!My name's Margerie, but you can call me Marge. You're such a pretty thing! I absolutely love your hair. Oh and can I offer you some tea-" Elm cut in quickly. "Yes, we'd like tea, or if you have anything stronger, that would be great mother." Once again frowning at her "disappointment of a son," Marge walked back to the cupboard and selected cups to make tea in.
"Uh, sorry, she's a little overbearing…" Elm said to Aza apologetically.


"Mother, can you please not be rude in front of our guest?' Since Elm's mom hadn't turned around, she hadn't noticed Aza. She whipped around faster than a lightening bolt and rushed over to Aza. "Forgive me, darling, I didn't know my idiot son finally did something right!My name's Margerie, but you can call me Marge. You're such a pretty thing! I absolutely love your hair. Oh and can I offer you some tea-" Elm cut in quickly. "Yes, we'd like tea, or if you have anything stronger, that would be great mother." Once again frowning at her "disappointment of a son," Marge walked back to the cupboard and selected cups to make tea in.
"Uh, sorry, she's a little overbearing…" Elm said to Aza apologetically.

(Okay, that is just beautiful.)


Adara pulled her mask off and gave a quick twist as more soldiers came pouring out of the forest. Her black clothes morphed into living tongues of flame and her eyes glowed. Her hair rose over her head, and her fists were on fire. She held a flaming sword. She started to cut them down, one by one.

@CasiCasino group

(Wow, didn’t expect you guys to be on this early.)

Aisen did something similar to Adara. He ripped off his mask, revealing his sinister grin. As he turned to the soldiers, his eyes glow changed color to being pitch black and pure white. The longsword he held turned to a pair of dual swords with hues similar to his eyes. “Hey Ada, keep some of their bodies partial intact for me, alright?” He requested as he sliced some of the soldiers’ throats within seconds, leaving their bodies as undamaged as possible.


Adara mock sighed. "Fine." She stabbed one through the chest and slit another's throat. She poked another one in the eye and he screamed as his eyes melted.
(I'm sorry, I had to.)
Adara smirked. "Well, I did warn you."

@CasiCasino group

(Savage much lol)

Aisen was too focused in the group of soldiers that were in front of him. An enchanted arrow hit him by his shoulder. He turned back at the direction where the arrow was fired from, turning his black blade into a revolver. He aimed at the archer but stopped…he seemed to be in shock.


(Me? Savage? Never.)

Adara turned to tell something to Aisen and stopped. He was frozen with an arrow stuck in his shoulder.
"What's wrong?" She called to him, stabbing a soldier that crept up too close behind her.

@CasiCasino group

Aisen heard Adara but he still ran towards the archer that fired at him. Aisen did catch up to the archer, but the archer parried Aisen’s blade and kicked his gun away from his reach. The archer pinned Aisen down to the ground with a navy colored gun. “Hey there…” the archer said to Aisen.


Adara rolled her eyes. "It's always me, isn't it?" She snapped her fingers and a large dragon made entirely of flames charged at the archer.