forum Hunter or Hunted? (Open)
Started by @Alex_is_alone_again

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@CasiCasino group

As Aisen was aiming at another guard, he spotted Elm and fired at the guard. He blankly stared at Elm and Aza while his head was tilting in confusion.


Adara followed his gaze and groaned when she saw the others. She stood gracefully and glared at them. "Great, the Faerie and her boyfriend." She whipped around as a soldier crept up behind her and kicked him in the face with so much force that she snapped his neck.

@CasiCasino group

Aisen looked at the soldier “—Poor him” before he looked back at Elm. “You wanna go to them, wait for them to come to us or…you know, ‘take care’ of them…?”


Elm put Aza's arm around his shoulder again and walked through the grass. He rolled a cube on the floor, and nodded when he saw the results his hands took on a reddish glow and he put his pointer fingers and thumbs together and began shooting red rays into the grass, where some soldiers were going to attempt an ambush.


Adara shrugged. "We should probably go to them, but I want to end the Faerie. She annoys me." She nudged the body with her toe. "I love kicking things."

@CasiCasino group

Aisen stood up and offered Adara a hand. “Well, let’s go then.” He smiled as he said it. “But don’t kill that Faerie yet, I might find some other use for her body”


Elm approached the pair, clearly straining to keep up the red glow around his hands. "Actually, I'd rather we work together," He replied to Adara's comment.


She sent him a grin and excepted Aisen's hand, allowing him to pull her up. She brushed her clothes off and walked towards the elf and asshole.

@CasiCasino group

(Oof, is it wrong that I put a stress on ‘that word’)

Aisen raised a brow. “You’re also planning on killing the king?” He asked doubtfully.


Noticing Adara's glance, Elm tried to hurry. "Yes, we are. I, for one, am done with his antics. It's just not right, killing off innocent people just becuase they're not human." Elm looked at the dead bodies. "Well, not that you two are innocent, but you know, the others."

@CasiCasino group

Aisen seemed surprised. “Same goal but different reasoning for me” he said to Elm before turning to Adara and seeing her expression. “Is there anything wrong Ada?”


Adara looked at Elm. "Well, I'll work with you as long as you give me space, keep the Faerie away from me and let me kill things every once in a while."


"It's a done deal, and you can kill whatever you want, mage." Elm replied. He dropped his hands, and the red glow faded away. The faintest green glow still surrounded Aza. "Now, what's the game plan?" He asked.


Adara plopped down onto the charred grass. "Well, we," she pointed at Aisen, "were going to wait for nightfall and then head to the palace."

@CasiCasino group

“The king should know about our presence by now. Some of the guards should be aware that we’re here, but that’s not at all a problem.” Aisen said with a confident voice.


Elm sat down next to her, propping Aza up. "Awesome, good plan." Elm looked around, and yawned. "So, icebreakers! Your name is Adara, right?" He asked her.