forum Hunter or Hunted? (Open)
Started by @Alex_is_alone_again

people_alt 43 followers


Thrusting her hand out, a web of darkness shot toward Adara and paralyzed her quickly. Dragging the girl toward her, she put her in the net with Elm. "Keep her quiet. The only reason I saved you is that you're powerful. And kinda cute. But still. I'm trying to keep the number of casualties down here, so keep her mouth shut. Noises equals kaboom goes the brains of the soldiers over there."


Adara groaned. She struggled against her binding, to no use. Her temper flared and her skin heated up so that it was burning. "Let. Me. Go!" She growled.


Adara was really getting tired of this faerie's attitude. She remembered one way she had gotten free from a situation like this and smiled. Carefully pressing her hands to the elf, she took in some of his body heat, winked at the faerie and teleported away.


Elm sat up on the grass. "Well that was an experience." He looked over at Aza. "I didn't get the chance to properly thank you or introduce myself." He said, standing. He reached a hand down to Aza and smiled. "I'm Elm Ruvyn, at your service. Well, I do owe you one, you saved me after all."

It's kind of clear that Elm is a charmer. He relies on his charisma and good looks ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Elm shrugs. "As you wish," he says. "I do believe we have business to discuss, Azzy." Elm starts. "You see, I think we need a sort of… Resistance against the Kingdom. They're going to kill us, and we need to stop them. I propose we start a little group, and take down enemy bases all around the Kingdom's territory." Elm says. "And that mage, Adara? We could use her too, if she's willing." Elm adds.


Elm didn't meet her eyes, but he answered. "Well, it's a cute nickname for you." There was a hint of red creeping into his cheeks. All of a sudden, birds flew from the trees in panic, and cawed loudly. Something was coming. Something bad. Elm felt it, and instantly switched into a fighting stance, instead of a casual one. "Get ready…" He muttered to Aza. The trees shook with fervor at every stomp from the creature in the bushes.


Aza crossed her arms and stood patiently. "It's probably really not that dangerous. Like, what's the worst it could be? A tarantula?" She decided not to answer to Elm's nickname thing. It was…nevermind.


Adara landed on the ground, stumbling slightly. She stood and looked around. She was by a village and she was hungry. Pulling her hood over her face to hide her glowing eyes, she walked towards it.


"I… don't think it's a tarantula." The trees shook harder and a large creature hurled itself out into the open. It was the size of a house, covered in scars. It's eyes shone red and it's teeth were curved and yellow. It was deformed, with it's backbone contorted and it's paws twisted. The look in it's eyes shone with what appeared to be madness, but if you looked closely, it was pain. It let out an earsplitting howl, causing Elm to cover his sensitive ears. "Azzy, RUN!" He yelled and grabbed her arm, as the beast threw itself at them, claws outstretched.
Elm pointed at a village in the distance.


(I think we might, but I don't know. You'll have to ask @ember-chan-revels_in_her_tears.)

Adara hurried through the marketplace, hood pulled low over her face. She watched to make sure no one could see what she was doing, then swiped some food. Soon, her pockets were bulging with food and money that she had stolen.

@CasiCasino group


A bright flash of light can be seen traveling towards Aza and Elm. “Something” picked the both of them up by “its” wings and took them to the village Elm pointed at. As the “something” landed by the village, a humanoid figure followed soon after. As they landed, they walked towards the two passengers that came with the creature.

@CasiCasino group

The figure got out some kind of small relic. Chanting something in an unintelligible language, the creature that took the both of them here disintegrated into dust and returned to the relic. The figure kept their identity hidden behind the white fox mask they wore. The only clue which may give away who they are is the dual swords symbol imprinted on their right hand. The figure didn’t answer Elm nor did they pay attention. They then slowly walked away back in the direction of the mad creature in the distance.