forum Hunter or Hunted? (Open)
Started by @Alex_is_alone_again

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Adara shrugged. "I'm Petunia and I'm a flower." She snickered. "Sorry, inside joke. I'm Adara and I'm the last fire mage in the line of Lybiran."


Adara snorted. "Which one? Petunia? I know. It's my favorite." She adopted a simpering, stupid look. "Hewwo, I'm Petunia. Showt fow Petunia. And I'm a fwowow."

@CasiCasino group

Aisen lost it and bursted in laughter. Her voice reminded him of a fellow comrade at home. “Oh geez, that was good…” he wiped his tears as he said it.


Adara grinned. "I like you. Better than that stupid Faerie and weak elf." She heard a noise and turned to see a group of soldiers running towards her. "Ooh, goody, a fight." She held out her hand, and a sword made of pure fire appeared in her palm. She glanced at Aisen. "Want to join?"

@CasiCasino group

Aisen put on his mask and got out his longsword which then turned into a scythe. “I’m always ready for a fight…” he said before disappearing into flames and appearing again behind the soldiers, slicing the back row soldiers’ heads one by one. “Hey Adara, catch!” He yelled as one of the soldiers got flung in her direction.


Adara grinned as fighting adrenaline shot through her. She sliced her sword through the air at the soldier Aisen had thrown at her and sliced him in half, the corpse burning as the blade touched it. Adara laughed. She snapped her fingers and a wall of flame burst into being, slowly surrounding the soldiers and closing in on them. Adara walked straight through the flames, eyes glowing.

@CasiCasino group

Aisen walked through the wall of flames with absolutely no problem and even jokingly said “Mind if I take this half?” as he pointed to some of the soldiers trapped. His scythe is now burning with blue flame and his smile through the mask made it even more sinister.


Adara smirked, looking almost evil in the firelight. "Be my guest." She poked one of the soldiers and his armor melted,, melting him with it. She laughed. "That never gets old," she said as the soldier's screams faded. She cut through her half until there was only one soldier. "Go," she said, making an opening in the flames. "Tell the king that we're coming for him, and if he sends anyone after us, we will send them to hell." She ran a finger down his cheek, causing a long burn to appear, and waved as the soldier screamed and ran.

@CasiCasino group

Aisen grabbed one of the soldier’s head before they could run away. “Your eagerness to fight is one I can get along with easily” he said calmly as he froze the soldier’s head in crystals, twisted his head and pulled out his whole spine. He then threw it to the ground and crushed it with the scythe’s handle.


Adara smirked. "Well, if you want to go after the king with me, you'll be involved in a lot of fighting." She made the fire vanish.

(Is it bad that I ship them?)

@CasiCasino group

(Coincidentally, in my story, Aisen is actually single…so……technically, you COULD ship them without any problems. But just saying, they would be a horrifyingly dangerous ship)

Aisen threw his scythe towards the other soldiers who are still alive from his half. Their heads all came off as easily as butter. “I don’t mind getting myself into some trouble if it involves fighting.” He claimed as the scythe came back to his hand.


(Wouldn't they though, lol? I think it would be hilarious.)

Adara snorted. "Trouble? What do you mean by that? I never get in trouble!" Her sword vanished in a burst of flame, and she sat down on the charred grass.


She grinned at him. "Yup. Until nightfall. That way, we can burn the villages we pass without anyone seeing us." She lay back, soaking in the grass, closing her eyes. "So, when did you get here?"

@CasiCasino group

“A couple of days ago. I’m just here ‘cause my brother went to another dimension without me. Of course…a crazy guy like me obviously has a crazier brother.” He answered and added to Adara’s question. “Well if you don’t mind—“ he laid down his whole body on the grass near Adara “—I will lay down for a while.”


Adara smirked, eyes still closed. "Well, he can't be as crazy as me." She rolled over and lay her head on her arms. "I'mma sleep now, so keep quiet or I will attempt to fry you to a crisp."

@CasiCasino group

Aisen smiled calmly “Fine, have a good sleep then, I’ll wake you up if the guards decide to end their lives quicker than expected.”


Adara laughed. "Alright then." She fell asleep quickly.
"Adara," a voice, smooth and musical said. A figure of a woman appeared. Adara glared at her.
"Why are you in my dreams, Lybiran?"
"Because," the woman said calmly, "I have information you need in order to survive."

@CasiCasino group

The sun started to set as the dusk arrives. Aisen looked for any soldiers that could be coming this way. Without waking Adara up, he turned his scythe into a bow and shot some of the guards on patrol.


Elm spotted the pair in the grass. There's that mage and creepy fox guy He thought to himself. Elm looked back at Aza, she was still out cold. Elm was more of a healer than a fighter, so his best option was to parley, and hopefully come to a peaceful conclusion, or even better, join them in the fight against the King.