forum Hunter or Hunted? (Open)
Started by @Alex_is_alone_again

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Elm looked around, but didn't see Aza anywhere. Thinking she probably went out to find food, Elm reached into his bag and grabbed the wooden cubes. He tossed them onto the floor, watching them land. "So I wasn't necessarily wrong, earlier." He muttered to himself and tossed the cubes again. Reading them, his face contorted into a frown. "That's not good." He muttered it again. He snatched up the cubes and, still scowling, began running away.

@CasiCasino group

Aisen arrived soon after, awarding her with a round of applause. “Well, that’s probably something I can’t really beat…” he confessed before sitting down in the opening.


Adara grinned, glad that she was already red-faced from the exercise, as it hid her blush. "Well, who knew that I was so good at coming up with nicknames?"


Elm ran until he came to a cliff. The sun would be going down in two hours and frankly, Elm didn't have enough time to get to where he needed to go and come back. He wasn't even sure if Aisen and Adara would both be back to help slay the King. "Avem." He whispered into the gap before him. His whisper echoed around the cliff walls, getting louder and louder, the opposite way that an echo works. When it stopped, a bird-figure began coming from a distance. Elm squinted against the sun, watching the bird come closer. The bird was giant. The bird dove down and and then rushed straight up, landing in front of Elm. "Thank you," Elm told the bird, which showed no indication of understanding except for a small glint in it's eyes. Elm hopped onto it's back and told it. "domus meus." The bird understood this, and acted immediately. It zoomed off, towards the sun.


A large bird figure with a rider flew across their view of the sun for one minute, and then flew out of sight.
Elm found the Tree again and landed in front of it. "Mother, father, I'm home." He called, hopping off of Avem. Nothing stirred or moved. "Hellooo?" Elm called. Sighing he walked right up to the tree and knocked on it. Anyone who walked past would think he was mental. "Okay, fine then. Be salty, I don't care." Elm pressed his fore-fingers and thumbs together and said "Aperta porta." Nothing changed, but Elm walked into the tree, seeming to just disappear.

@CasiCasino group

(This is just shipping material service)

Aisen woke up, not realizing he had slept on Adara’s lap. His body sprung up, immediately looking at Adara. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw that she was still ‘asleep’.


Adara's dreams were filled with fire. Lots and lots and lots of fire. And a burning crown. Words drifted around in her head. "Does she know?" "No."


Adara stood up. "Okay. Where do we start?" She stretched, her joints popping, and picked up the fox mask Aisen had given her. She waved her hand, and the mask burned with inner flames, before fading. She put it on. "Ready to go?"