forum Hunter or Hunted? (Open)
Started by @Alex_is_alone_again

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@CasiCasino group

“Oh fun…” the archer’s gun turned into a crossbow and fired at the flames. Surprisingly, the flames stopped as the arrow touched it. They then both disappear. “Heh, thought you told me your partner was a little bit stronger than that…brother…”


Adara's jaw dropped, then she screamed with rage. Her entire body burned with white-hot flames and she walked slowly over, glaring daggers at the archer.

@CasiCasino group

Aisen slowly stood up as the archer took back his gun. “Stop doing that every time, will ya?!” He yelled at the archer. The archer then took off his hood to reveal a fox mask almost identical to Aisen’s, though the stripes are inverted to that of Aisen’s. He then took off the mask, his face was pale white similar to Aisen.

“Well sorry, it’s fun though seeing your shocked face every time I hop between dimensions” he giggled as reached for something in his pocket, it was a pair of glasses which he then wore. “Oh and sorry for the slight insult miss…by the way, I’m Carlsen Faltur, this geek’s younger brother”


Adara glared at him, flames still white hot, though they slowly started to fade to just her fists, which she kept clenched. Her eyes still glowed, and if looks could kill, the figure in front of her would be six feet under. "Wow, I keep meeting such charming people," she said through gritted teeth.

@CasiCasino group

Carlsen leaned towards Aisen, whispering “I don’t think she likes me very much.” They both stood up and sighed a little before Aisen fired his revolver through Carlsen’s head, making a hole through his head. “That was pay back for the arrow…” he said as he ripped the arrow out of his shoulder.


Adara rolled her eyes. "He's just as bad as the fucking faerie," she told Aisen, not bothering to look in the direction of his brother. "You two are very alike."

@CasiCasino group

The hole that the bullet made through Carlsen’s head was recovered by a black substance that came out of his body. “Is that complimenting me? Or insulting him?” Carlsen jokingly said, knowing she would get even angrier. “Either way…” he opened up a blue portal “…I’ll head back home now, my mission’s already completed. See ya later Aisy~~” he walked through the portal back to the phantom realm, closing it on the way.


Adara rolled her eyes and the fire vanished. Her eyes went back to their normal glowing ember color, and she grinned. "I love pretending to be mad. People take me seriously." She plopped down onto the grass and grinned at Aisen. "I like your brother."

@CasiCasino group

Out of nowhere, a blue portal appeared behind Adara. Carlsen’s head appeared through the portal “Did someone say something about me?” Aisen pushed his head back through the portal as it closes “Just go home already, leave me alone for at least in this dimension…”


Adara, without looking, sent a wave of fire at the face of the brother. She yawned and stretched, laying down on the grass. It was almost nightfall, but she was tired, and white fire always took up her strength.

@CasiCasino group

A faint scream can be heard through the soon fully closed portal “AGHHHH!!! MY FACEEEE!!!!!”. “You tired?” Aisen asked Adara. “If you wanna sleep now, you technically could. I’ll look out for the guards like last time…”


Adara glanced over at him, a smile barely visible on her face. "Well, last time you let me sleep, and I didn't get to fight, then we met asshole and elf. So, if I sleep, wake me up this time if anything happens."

@CasiCasino group

“Sounds fair to me” he replied with a smile. The blade and the revolver he held disintegrated. Before Adara fell asleep, Aisen reached his hand through a blue portal, similar to Carlsen’s, and got two pieces of bread. He offered Adara one of them.

@CasiCasino group

“You could say that but we’re actually 5 years apart. Yet our personalities are ridiculously similar.” He answered as he chewed on the bread.

@CasiCasino group

“Well…the only thing that differentiate us from each other is probably the fact that he’s the active type and I’m the passive type” Aisen giggled.

@CasiCasino group

Aisen clears his throat “I prefer contacts…” as he reached his hand through a portal again, this time reaching for two water bottles. He offered her one of the bottles. “Your voice’s a little too dry now”


Adara turned to him, seeing his red face. "What?" She smirked. Her natural body heat evaporated the water. She turned over, so that she was lying on her stomach, her chin propped on her hands.

@CasiCasino group

(I like how we constantly change them from being battling masters to cute people in minutes XD)

“Nothing” Aisen sat straight, sipping some of the water. When he finished, he threw the water bottle up and opened a portal, sending it back to his dimension. “Ow! Was that inten—“ Carlsen’s voice can be heard from the portal before it closed.

@CasiCasino group

“Heh, you read my mind. Well then, you should rest for a little while now. I’ll wake you up when anything happens” Aisen said to her.