forum Hunter or Hunted? (Open)
Started by @Alex_is_alone_again

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@CasiCasino group

Aisen giggled a little before turning silent so Adara can sleep peacefully. Soon after, he opened a portal, big enough so his arm can pass through to get something from his dimension. He reached to get a small blanket. He then closed the portal and silently covered some of Adara’s body with the blanket.

@CasiCasino group

Aisen was feeling a little sleepy as well but he kept his eyes open just in case something happens. His yawn was relatively aggressive.


Soon, Adara awoke and opened her eyes. Aisen was nodding off. She laughed silently. "You can sleep now," she finally said once she had gotten herself under control.


"Mother, can you please not be rude in front of our guest?' Since Elm's mom hadn't turned around, she hadn't noticed Aza. She whipped around faster than a lightening bolt and rushed over to Aza. "Forgive me, darling, I didn't know my idiot son finally did something right!My name's Margerie, but you can call me Marge. You're such a pretty thing! I absolutely love your hair. Oh and can I offer you some tea-" Elm cut in quickly. "Yes, we'd like tea, or if you have anything stronger, that would be great mother." Once again frowning at her "disappointment of a son," Marge walked back to the cupboard and selected cups to make tea in.
"Uh, sorry, she's a little overbearing…" Elm said to Aza apologetically.

"Now, Marge, I'm assuming you're a type of dryad?" Aza said.

@CasiCasino group

“Don’t mind if I do…” As soon as his head hit the ground, he felt asleep immediately. He laid face-down on the ground with his arms supporting his head slightly.


Adara gave a small snort of laughter. She stood up and paced around. She climbed at tree to get a better view, attempting to use it to see farther, but her eyes kept going back to Aisen.

@CasiCasino group

After just sometime after Aisen fell asleep, a spirit like figure appeared walking around his body. Looking at him with a smile.
”You must be really tired Aisen…” the spirit said as they kneeled down beside him.

@CasiCasino group

The spirit soon disintegrated as Aisen wakes up. He wiped his eyes hard enough that both of his contacts came out. Didn’t want to struggle finding them, he took out his glasses he kept in his coat’s pocket. “Ada? Adaaa~?” He called out to find her.

@CasiCasino group

This might be the first time Aisen needs to have a fight as soon as he wakes up, so don’t expect much of him. Aisen puts on his mask and got his revolver out. “Lead the way”

@CasiCasino group

The stripes on his mask are currently yellow. He started to follow Adara by teleporting using electricity. Whenever he teleports, he leaves a spark. Aisen was doing this while his eyes were halfway opened.

@CasiCasino group

Carlsen smiled at Adara, he called Aisen to come closer. He whispered something… “The soul of the empress, I’ve managed to get it”. Aisen seemed to be in shock. “Seriously?” he asked as Carlsen got out a light blue marble. “Well then, I have a good reason to hurry back home” Aisen exclaimed as he’s now fully charged. Carlsen waved to the both of them “Well then, byeeee~~” as the portal closes.