forum Hunter or Hunted? (Open)
Started by @Alex_is_alone_again

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Adara rented a room in an inn with her stolen money and tried to sleep. She couldn't. She couldn't help but think about the self-satisfied faerie.

@CasiCasino group

Getting closer to the twisted creature. The figure threw their fox mask up high towards the sky to distract the creature; they jumped, flying to the mask. The creature seemed to be annoyed and started rampaging towards the figure.

“Bingo…” they whispered to themself as the fox mask they grabbed pierced their body, applying armor on them and a white and red bow. Aiming at the creature’s eyes, the figure got a direct hit; ultimately blinding the creature. The bow they held turned to an axe with hues alike. They swung against the creature with full force, sending it towards the village whilst following it and slicing it along the way.


Aza threw her hands out toward the demon and paralyzed it briefly, then used her magic again to teleport herself and Elm away from it. Once they were safe, she lowered her hands and swayed slightly, then collapsed promptly on top of Elm.

@CasiCasino group

A giant golden ring surrounded the axe the figure held. As the ring moved down along the handle the axe, the axe slowly turned into a longsword, once again with hues alike. As soon as they landed, the figure stabbed the creature once but all the way through the feature. Releasing a red and white energy from the blade until the creature stopped moving. Without a word to anyone, the blade the figure held turned back into a fox mask in which he continues to wear as he walked into the village.


Adara heard a commotion and went to go check it out. She saw a figure in a fox mask stride into the village, holding a bloody sword, and raised an eyebrow.


She shrugged. "Well, I have a lot of problems, but you probably don't want to hear them." She sat down in the middle of the street, ignoring the running people. "Ya know, if you get caught by the king's soldiers, he'll try to kill you, right?"

@CasiCasino group

“I’m fully aware of that—“ he pointed in the direction of the castle “—that’s why sometimes, it’s better to just destroy the problem first, instead of solving it…” A blast of blue flame ignited by the castle’s gates and the castle itself. Not a second after that, the figure disappeared without a trace.


Adara rolled her eyes and stood. "Drama queen." She moved gracefully away, conscious of the many eyes on her. Pulling her hood off, not caring who saw, she strode away into the forest, leaving the village in flames behind her.

@CasiCasino group

The figure was sitting on the grass in the field. He turned back to see Adara walking out, he then smiled. “You don’t seem to care for the casualties…even a little…”


Adara rolled her eyes, not even a little startled. "Of course not! They'd turn me in right away. Besides, I'm angry and burning things usually helps."

@CasiCasino group

The figure smirked. “Well, you’ve got to accept it. What you just said is a little maniacal.” The figure seemed to be smiling normally for the first time.


Adara plopped onto the warm grass and lay down. A sudden fire sprang into being and started to burn the grass around her. "Oops," Adara said blankly.


Adara ignored the figure. Waving her hand lazily, she commanded the fire to swoop into the air in the shape of a glowing phoenix. Then she destroyed it and banished the fire.

@CasiCasino group

The figure looked behind at the burning village. He turned back to Adara like he didn’t care about the village. “By the way, I haven’t really introduced myself huh?” The figure asked.

@CasiCasino group

The figure took off his mask and smiled cheerfully like a kid would. “The name’s Aisen Faltur. Pleased to make your acquaintance.” He said as he turned towards Adara. His pale, white face was almost as young as a teenager but his body suggests that he’s a fully grown adult.


Elm caught Aza by the arm and hoisted her arm around his shoulder, to support her. "Of course you pass out now, Aza." He layed her down gently and shook her. When she didn't move, he grumbled something and trifled around in his bag. "Where did I put…" He took a small pouch out of his bag and put it on Aza's face. It's smell was very alarming and he stepped back.
"Sana!" Elm called, as a faint green glow surrounded her body. Elm threw something into the air, two cubes. They landed at his feet. He picked them up and inspected them. The green glow finished and Elm whipped the bag off of Aza's face.

@CasiCasino group

Aisen fidgeted with the mask, throwing it up and down. Staring at the view, he feels calm and safe here…despite the hell like flames burning behind him.

@CasiCasino group

“I’ll answer your question first. I’m a phantom, more accurately, I’m a phantom royal guard. Also, since you mentioned it…I actually haven’t asked your name.” He said before he turned to her.