forum Hunter or Hunted? (Open)
Started by @Alex_is_alone_again

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His voice started to quiver “do you know where to find a cure?” He turned to the newcomer “who are you?”

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“Do you have the name of this fire mage because your not being very specific”


Hunter shrugged. "Also, I'm world-jumping to all the places I can. And there's been an outbreak of mages, and this fire mage I'm looking for, is, unfortunately, the only one who can train them."

Deleted user

“I am a mage but I’m definitely not specific to fire”


Caught off guard by Hunter, Elm took some time thinking up a snarky hello. "Howdy ma'am, I believe the fire mage you're lookin' for is Adara." He said with a southern accent. Turning to Aza, he grinned. "Was my 'cowboy' good?"


Grinning, Elm tipped his invisible cowboy hat in thanks to Aza. "Lewis, if you'd like, I could try to heal you. I'm a healer, so I've sort of had some practice with this." He asked.


Elm's hands took on a green glow/aura and he held them over Lewis's bite. "Contra mendacium." Elm muttered softly, repeating it thrice. A strange sensation settled over everyone, the kind of sensation when your foot falls asleep. Elm furrowed his eyebrows in frustration. Lewis's bite would begin to mend, but then open again.
"Someone is either fighting me, or this isn't just a regular bite." He explained, straining to keep going. "I'm going to have to do a more complex spell. Lewis, this might hurt." Elm warned. Elm's eyes glazed over, rolling back into his head. Flicking back quickly, his green eyes had turned neon. "Redige eum." Elm said, and placed his hand on Lewis's arm. "Quis hoc fecit?" Elm asked. His eyes widened, and he snatched his arms away from Lewis.
The bite was gone, but a concerned expression shadowed Elm's face. "Lewis, you've been infici." He said gravely.


"Oh sorry, Aza. I mean infected." His hands stopped glowing. "Hunter, I can tell you stuff about Adara. We last saw her and a weird fox man a few days ago. They murdered the king and we haven't seen them since, but I felt a strange residue of magic at the castle, strong magic. It might give you clues as to where they are?" He offered.


Grinning, Elm stood up. "I still owe you a drink, don't I?" He said to Aza. "Well, it was nice to meet you both," Elm said to Lewis and Hunter. "But we really must be going." He says turning towards the door.

Selene's eyes were black, completely. She walked to the door of the small bar and saw a woman standing in the door, leaving. Two deformed dog-like creatures stood by her side. They were almost as big as her. "Stop them," Selene said in a cheery voice. The two creatures rushed to the door and one leaped at the woman (Hunter) while the other entered the bar and snarled viciously. Blood dripped down it's face from it's eyes.