forum Star Wars Rp? Can be a OxO or a small group of three
Started by @FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

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He fell his head drooping down breathing heavily from pain and exhaustion his helmet close to falling off his head his blaster a few feet away spun a little (not much else to do for this lol)

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(No worries)

Calista sighed and gently put Jado's helmet back on before taking his blaster. "You do remember that I'm a Jedi, right?" she couldn't help but quip at the boy's comment. "I learned how to use the Force from my Master. Though, if I'm right about you, there might be a chance I could teach you… We'll just have to see."

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hawkin went and looked at the droid which was smoking from its power pack. And he looked back at the female Jedi.
“If I could earn to throw people without touching them, that would help a whole lot.”
He looked back at the droid and frowned.
“I don’t supposed you have a spare power pack I can have? And by the way my name’s Hawkin. Hawkin Jagerfly. The guys at the mech shop call me Hawk, Jager, Flyboy, or you know, a shrill sharp whistle and a come here boy works just fine.”

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

She nodded politely at the introduction though she knew she was never going to use the last option to call him. That just seemed rude. "I am Calista Veran and as I said, we will see. Not everyone is able to use that Force or even sense it." she explained, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. "And not every problem can be solved by throwing someone into a wall." she added as the security finally showed up. "Just keep an eye on him when he wakes up. I think we all have some questions for him." she instructed before going over to Hawkin's side. "Unfortunately, I don't have a power pack… but I'm sure we can get one here."

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hawking nodded.
“True, throwing people doesn’t always work, but it can give you a good head start. It’s nice to know your name now. I can stop calling you the Jedi lady. And a power pack would be nice. I would like to see if this droid actually does have something in its memory banks. The way it talked was pretty cool.”

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“It's nice to know your name as well.” Calista smiled, not admitting that she had only been calling him “boy” until now. “I would like to see what kind of information the droid has as well. I believe there should be some spare power packs in the supply rooms.” she told him with a slight tilt of her head as an invitation to follow her.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

“It's nice to know your name as well.” Calista smiled, not admitting that she had only been calling him “boy” until now. “I would like to see what kind of information the droid has as well. I believe there should be some spare power packs in the supply rooms.” she told him with a slight tilt of her head as an invitation to follow her.

Hawkin almost vibrated with excitement.
"Will there be machines in the supply rooms? Or other droids similar to this one?"
He picked up the old droid and carried it, as he followed Calista.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Just spare supplies, normally.” Calista shrugged as she started leading the way. “But there should be one close enough or one we can make work.” she added, casting a slight smirk over her shoulder. “Think of it as a challenge.”


He coughed starting to wake when they left rubbing his head "w-what…the hell happened.." he got up and saw the recpetionist and froze "did…i do this…" he placed his hands over his helmet "oh god…i hope I didn't do this to calista…"

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

“Just spare supplies, normally.” Calista shrugged as she started leading the way. “But there should be one close enough or one we can make work.” she added, casting a slight smirk over her shoulder. “Think of it as a challenge.”

Hawkin smiled and flicked the droid's limp arm. "Sounds cool. I don't think there's a machine too difficult for me to figure out. I can see what it's supposed to look like in my mind. and I can see how to put it back together. It's really cool."


"where is calista anyways…" he walked around to looked for her disarming his whistling bird and flamethrower as he felt to dangerous with them as he knew he did this and wanted to make sure he was safe as well as calista


he glanced at the security person watching over him and asked to walk towards palpatines old office when they said yes he walked toward the old chancellor's office turning towards the door the guard out of earshot "Great locked…looks too tough to kick down. I'll just go back to the lobby and wait" he walked back and sat down "Fives…was trying to tell us something at least that's what rex said… I thought he was crazy but I don't think so anymore…" he was fidgeting with his armor while he said this to himself

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Hawkin smiled and flicked the droid's limp arm. "Sounds cool. I don't think there's a machine too difficult for me to figure out. I can see what it's supposed to look like in my mind. and I can see how to put it back together. It's really cool."

Calista chuckled a little, though she was impressed by his apparent ability. "You must be a very talented mechanic." she complimented as she already started to wonder if he was as good of a pilot.