forum Star Wars Rp? Can be a OxO or a small group of three
Started by @FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

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(i would guess that his helmet could make it easier to hear things around him like a technology in the helmets or it would just be some bucket that he can barely hear out of)

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Calista listened carefully to Jado’s story, trying to understand. “I believe I heard about Mandalorian’s adopting kids, but I thought all clones were… umm, short-lived?” she asked hesitantly. “I won't deny that I’m concerned about these… fits you seem to have, especially if you think somehow I trigger it. But I… I want to help you if I can.” she sighed.


“No it’s not you that triggers it….i don’t understand what happens but…i just want to kill all the Jedi when thi happens I’ve learned to control myself but it gets worse sometimes and I can’t remember anything that happens after those worse times..“he looked at her “well..their were some clones with genetic modifications like clone force 99…or the bad batch and they have genetic modifications to make them live a bit longer than normal clones and I had some modifications…and if you wanted to know I was a 501st trooper in the clone wars…and after order 66 all the clones turned on the Jedi..but I was able to fight it… and I saved that jedis padowan”

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Calista gave a soft hum as Jado finished explaining. She didn't know as much about clones but she was willing to trust his experience. “I’m sorry, I’m still confused. What do you mean by order 66 and that you were able to fight it and save a padawan?” she asked carefully.


"order 66…i learned it meant for us to forget we worked with the jedi and turn against them eliminating them all… but I fought it and I don't know how I fought it but… I faked a shot shooting next to the padawan telling it to run and I told my platoon I shot it and it fell down the ravine we were close to…i always wonder how they are doing…." he was happy to get this off his chest as he has had no one to talk to before calista


"i dont understand how this happened…we were loyal to the jedi…and then this command…went through turning us against the jedi I don't understand how this happened…last thing I remember is my platoon sargent getting a message from chancellor palapatine… and then the jedi was shot by all my platoon besides me…i was horrified by this" he looked up at her surprised that she wasn't scared of him "after this happened…i-….went alone until i went to mandalore…"

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Oh.” Calista nodded as she took in the information. It wasn't a surprise to her to hear that Palpatine had been behind the massacre… though the question of how was bewildering. How had he turned loyal friends and allies into killers with just an order? Had he just been that powerful as a Sith? If so, then how had Jado been able to fight it back then only to still suffer now?
She sighed and closed her eyes for a moment before looking back at him. “And I thought that I… You have been through a lot too. I don't blame you for what happened.” she assured. “I don't know how Palpatine did this either, other than it might have something to do with him being a Sith but that doesn't explain much to me either.” she added as an explanation.


"I know what your think how he could change us into murderers…and I don't know that answer to…and thank you for not blaming me…as soon as I find out what happens to me I will change my self to fix that…." he looked over at the broken holo and nodded to himself as he made the right choice throwing it away

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Calista gave a soft chuckle and nodded. “I was wondering about that. Especially after the bonds each of you must have formed with your generals… but the only place I can think to try to find answers would be Kamino. I just don't know if that's possible because I think I remember a rumor that Palpatine attacked it after he became the Emperor. Something similar to what he did to Mandalor or Alderaan.” she shrugged regretfully. “And it's not like we can just walk into one of his old offices and access all his files.”


"oh i know my way around the senate building…" she could feel a boyish smirk growing on his face "I just need my ship from that shipyard I dropped it off at after a nasty battle in space…but which one do you want to go to kamino or the senate building?" he was fine with either but wanted her to feel the safest

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Calista blinked in surprise at how… brazen Jado was being about actually taking her suggestions. "I… know my way around a bit too. I just thought it would be very difficult either way." she explained. "I've been to the senate building before but the New Rebuplic has, essentially, taken it over. And Kamino… Kamino could either be a dead planet or an asteroid field. Though, if you're sure about doing this… there was this one area in the senate building that… felt different. I usually stayed away from it but if we don't get caught…" she mused, her thoughts starting to race with the possibilities.


"we can try kamino i doubt they would destroy it…" he got up putting the credits down "come on ill get my ship its a little old fashion.. but she still works.." he waited for her to get up


"if they have destroyed it… i will go into the sentate building…by myself…it will be better just to have one of us caught then both of us and if I tap my com link 3 times I have been caught and you should leave and hide maybe even leave the planet as theirs still that bounty hunter…" he looked at her waiting for her approval

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Ok.” she nodded, standing to follow him but she couldn't shake the feeling that Palpatine had done something to Kamino in order to keep the secrets of how much he meddled in the war and the existence of the clone and Force knows what else.


he walked to wards the ship yard and walked up to the person and asking directions to the arc-170 that he owned "that is my ship…has it been fixed properly…cause if it hasn't I'm halfing your credit pay… I'm not dealing with bad mechanics on my ship yes i know i said no droids… thank you…" he looked over at calista "come on ill show you my ship" he waited for her and walked beside her

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Calista followed Jado quietly, still a bit lost in her thoughts about the whole situation she had found herself in. Traveling to another planet was nothing new but she had heard very little about Kamino until more information about the clones started coming out, though clearly there were still some mysteries. And the fact that she had almost, even briefly, considered sneaking into the senate building to attempt to data slice the private files of Palpatine… She couldn't help but wonder what her old Master would have thought of such an idea.
Once they arrived in the shipyard, she couldn't help but smirk slightly at how Jado dealt with the people who had been working on his ship. "Do we need anything else before we take off?" she asked as she let him lead her to his ship.


"no…but you will be the one operating the blasters.. had to rely on droid before they were awful at aiming…this is my ship one of the last arc-170s…painted it after my legion the 501st" (if you don't know how they look search up arc-170 501st colors) he looked at it and then at Calista "let me check if its operational before we take off if its not I'm gonna find out who fixed my ship and ring their neck…. this thing is priceless and I'm not gonna have some nitwit break it"

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group


“Blasters?” Calista chuckled. “Do you really think we’ll run into that much trouble just getting there?” she asked, admiring the care and detail Jado went through for his ship. Though she raised a brow at his threat. “If it's not ready yet, we could try the senate building first and head out after.” she offered as a compromise and a hope that he would cool off.


he sighed calming himself "yeah space pirates are a thing and yeah let me test it real quick" he jumped in the cockpit and powered it on checking all the systems and when he flick the test hyperdrive switch on it said its malfuctioning "of course the one important thing we need for this trip and its missing….ill tell them and the we can head out to the senate building"

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Calista almost laughed at the irony of the hyperdrive being a problem. It was not the first time she’d been on a ship that either didn't have one or where it was just non-functional. “Alright.” she nodded, walking out of the ship to wait for Jado to tell the workers his problem.


he walked over to the person and then told them the problem about the hyperdrive and then walked over "ok remember how I said I would be the one to enter because I would be much more stealthy and because some clone mandolorian would just be something to kill but a jedi would be important…and if I do die..take my arc170…and get out of here…"

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“No, I don't remember you saying that but even if you did, I wouldn't agree to that.” Calista answered simply, already walking to catch a bus. “You are not going into that building alone. The New Republic knows me. I can walk in and out of that building any time and no one would think twice about it.” she explained. “And I can find the way to that room I told you about. If things somehow go badly then we’ll get out together.”