forum Star Wars Rp? Can be a OxO or a small group of three
Started by @FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

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(can we just start cause im bored and we can let them join in the middle of it cause im so damn bored)

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

jado had been given a bounty and he went to track them down he pulled up a holo gram to show the name calista veran and a image of her and the bounty of 150000 (which is normal price cause its a jedi) he closed the bounty with a quiet click and he grabbed his rifle and aimed right at their head but he hesitated "deep breaths jado…remember your training" he fired and missed hitting the wall next to her and he ran to the next building so he wouldnt be spotted by his target "damn it….why did i miss…."

Calista wasn't doing anything too special. She did take missions for the New Republic every once in a while but otherwise tried to keep a low profile. There were still too many Imperials trying to reform the Empire, regardless of the fact that the Emperor was dead. The thought caused her to sigh… before a warning from the Force tickled her mind and she turned just as a shot rang past her cheek. “What the kriff was that?” she muttered, looking around from where that shot had come from.


Jado reached another rooftop taking aim and breathed "all right…this is the last chance to hit this target…" he held the barrel stable and when he squeezed the trigger it was almost as if time slowed down and the blaster bolt slowly went towards calista towards her head

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Even with the hood of her dark brown cloak up, Calista was much more alert after the first attack. So it was very easy to sense the second shot. She drew, ignited her lightsaber, and deflected the blaster shot in one fluid motion before quickly glancing up at the rooftop where it had come from.


he was crouching with his rifle in his hands and then he got up and ran jumping building to building to get away from calista "got to run….dont let them catch me…"

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(It's ok)

Calista frowned slightly when she didn't immediately see her would-be assailant but wasn't completely deterred. She knew this area well enough and quickly ran in the direction the Force seemed to be guiding her and jumped abnormally high for anyone who wasn't trained as she was before continuing the chase.


he looked back and grabbed his blaster pistol and shot a few time at her before jumping down in-between two building and hid inside one of the buildings waiting for calista to go away being quiet

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(Forgot to ask, is he wearing Beskar armor or just the standard Clone armor?)

Calista deflected the stray blaster shots with honed reflexes and didn't break her stride as she chased after the shooter. So far she only had so many reasons she could think of as to why she was being shot at and she didn't like any of them… though the Force wasn't confirming any of her theories either.


jado risked to look out and looked up to make sure calista passed by and when he thought he was safe "course they didnt tell me it was a jedi…cause i would have liked to be told about that to be close to where that damn blade couldnt deflect the flamethrower on my wrist…" he exited and snuck off making sure he wasnt followed before entering a bar sitting down getting a drink

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Calista huffed as she stopped running and jumped down from the roof. As far as she was concerned this wasn't over… and she had an idea of where to check. It was absolutely no trouble for her to find the nearest cantina and just casually strolled in.


jado looked over at her leaving his on his pistol grip as he watched Calista "well hey beautiful what are you doing in such a dangerous place" he acted casually talking towards her as he didn't want to act suspicious he grabbed his drink and drank without taking his helmet off (i dont know how this would work lol)

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(lol! I imagine he just tilts it up slightly so his mouth is just barely exposed)

“After what I just went through, I need a drink.” Calista admitted, letting her hood down as she joined him at the bar. “Besides, should you really be asking me that?” she inquired with a calm facade. “After all, it's not very often you see a man wearing that armor these days.”


“Rather not deal with bounty hunters I bought this but I respect the creed of mandalorions so I’d rather not show my face” he lied but it was quite the good lie as their were a lot of bounty hunters around he pulled out the seat next to him “come and sit make yourself comfortable” he smirked to himself I'll get this bounty over with but I’ll chat before I complete the bounty

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(That's ok… I think we might actually be in the same timezone!)

“How interesting.” Calista hummed, genuine interest reflecting in her voice at the idea. “Thank you.” she nodded as she sat down and ordered a drink a little stronger than what the Jedi order of the Old Republic would have allowed. “Do you also keep the code of not sharing your name?”


"i think it does but im fine sharing it names jado…whats your name? also interesting weapon you buy it off the black market or something?…" he pointed at the lightsaber "and does it even work?…" he drank again a little of his face showing but it disappeared when he moved his head down again