forum So, um, who wants to do a Harry Potter Roleplay? (OPEN)
Started by @Fraust

people_alt 7 followers


(Like, one of the friendly dinosaurs that chills with the humans, not a giant trex that would literally rip everything to shreds)


Scipio rolled his eyes. "Whatever, but I am never getting on a broomstick ever again. How do people do that for fun?"

(Technically this or Scipio saying that his arm's not broken anymore to purple)


(Scipio's usually pretty chill, but I'm trying to think of something that would make him really angry or drive him to yelling. Rn I'm thinking, since he has daddy issues, someone legitimately/just saying that he's just like his father. Like, not in terms of appearance (he knows that he looks remarkably like a younger version of his father, and while that comment might still annoy him, it wouldn't be as bad))


"But like, in Quidditch you're moving around and everything! How on earth is one expected to stay on a broomstick during that, and play a game while doing so?"


(I'm thinking that maybe his dad's in Azkaban for Voldy related stuff so Scipio's touchy about it)


"I suppose… but what spell would it be? There's currently no spell that allows a witch or wizard to fly unaided, so what is that even allows the broom to fly? Not Wingardium Leviosa, of course. Such a trivial spell, and it would constantly have to be controlled and focused on…"