forum So, um, who wants to do a Harry Potter Roleplay? (OPEN)
Started by @Fraust

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(SLY YOU HATH RETURNED TO ME well you see I am quite interested in roleplaying so chucks Scipio at Allergy Meds at high speed again)


"Er, well, you know I like all of them… but I'd say Transfiguration is probably my favorite. I'm decent at it, and I enjoy turning things into other things."
(Fun fact: Scipio is actually really good at transfiguration and that's his fav textbook to reread. He has taught himself considerably higher level transfiguration spells through hard work just for the fun of it. He really is a nerd.)


"Of course. You're in my Transfiguration class, right Allegra?" Scipio fidgeted with his wand, transfiguring an empty glass into a shiny mouse and back again like they had learned in class.


(Sly noooo)
"Can't imagine why, it's pretty interesting. Although, I do put a lot of work into it that our classmates don't." Scipio conjured a few birds that seemed to just pop out of the end of his wand. From what he remembered, that one was a sixth year spell. He didn't often keep track of that, though.


"I could help you, if you'd like." Scipio said eagerly. "I love the subject, but I'm not sure how good my teaching skills are."


"Again?" Scipio said disbelievingly. "Well, now it's just my duty to help you! There's no way I could let you fail a class!" The birds disappeared, as Scipio had become distracted.


"Uh, I'm free for pretty much the rest of this week, I believe. I've worked ahead in all my classes, so I've got a bit of free time for the time being. And it being so close to Christmas, the teachers aren't assigning as much homework."