forum So, um, who wants to do a Harry Potter Roleplay? (OPEN)
Started by @Fraust

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(Allegra: does something stupid
Scip: Better watch out I've got the authority to report you
Allegra:…….we talk about you behind your back, you know)


Scipio nodded. "I don't understand why people get so worked up about Quidditch. I mean, it's just a game is it not? I find academics to be far more important. I usually bring homework to the games so I can get work done and still know the end result."


(Scipio: Quidditch is just a game school is way more important
Scipio……. qwq)


"Well, I couldn't risk falling behind because I was attending some silly game! Succeeding is very important to me, if you have forgotten. I think you could really do great things if you weren't always playing Quidditch. Imagine all the work you could get done!"
(I'm guessing Scipio is that one student that Snape doesn't hate. But is still a savage to bc he's a hecking nerd)


(I actually spent a while considering the difference between Slytherins and Ravenclaws. After conducting this mental investigation, I have come to the conclusion that Ravenclaws live more in the moment and Slytherins work towards a future goal. Think of Luna. She just went with the flow with no real end goal, just wanting to help along the way with the knowledge she had. But most Slytherins have some goal that they're trying to reach, whatever it may be. All in all, the two houses share the intelligence aspect, but Slytherins are preparing to put that knowledge to use)


Hmmm, pre Harry I'd say. We don't need any drama about 'Oh did you hear about Harry Potter' or 'THE BOY WHO LIVED MARRY ME' or anything, and maybe marauder era? Or maybe even before them, but I think voldemort stuff is okay. It'd be like, when he had left hogwarts and kinda started killing people I guess, so a new threat rising quickly

(I said it earlier on the first page)


(I'm a Slytherclaw myself lol but I tend more to the Slytherin side. Once I have a set goal that I really care about, it will be achieved and I don't care what it takes to get there)


"On time? But if you get it done early, you have more time to do things you want to do without worrying about completing it! You know, like working ahead in a class, or going to the library to research potions." Scipio's face flushed a bit when he realized how much of a nerd he was being.