forum So, um, who wants to do a Harry Potter Roleplay? (OPEN)
Started by @Fraust

people_alt 7 followers


If you're here, you probably like Harry Potter. andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules apply, and please refrain from excessive swearing. No irl hate, and don't get into freaking arguments on the roleplay. If you want to argue, kindly do it in a pm so as to not clog up the roleplay pages with your garbage. Thank you very much, and I will put up a template if people actually want to join this thing. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.


Hmmm, pre Harry I'd say. We don't need any drama about 'Oh did you hear about Harry Potter' or 'THE BOY WHO LIVED MARRY ME' or anything, and maybe marauder era? Or maybe even before them, but I think voldemort stuff is okay. It'd be like, when he had left hogwarts and kinda started killing people I guess, so a new threat rising quickly


Imma make a thing ya know


Name: Allegra Grey
Age: 15
Year: 5th
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Dunno
Personality: ESTP, rowdy, defiant, Does know how to chill out
House: Slytherin
Appearance: Short strawberry blonde hair usually in half ponytail, fair skin (tho tanned from all the sun time), 5'3, sapphire blue eyes
Other: Her Patronus is a chickadee


Feel free to make changes to the form if you want btw
Name: Scipio Massimo
Age: 15
Year: Fifth
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: He likes to help out first years who are having trouble and won't stand for bullies as he had a lot of trouble as a first year and no one helped tbh. He handles authority well and is dignified most of the time. As a Slytherin, he is cunning of course and incredibly ambitious. Once he has a set goal, he will stop at nothing to reach it. Personally, of the houses Gryffindors are his least favorite. In his opinion they are loud, proud, and reckless. They make a fool of themselves constantly, and he has no time for them. Slytherin is the best house, and he is currently fighting for Slytherin rights essentially to prove that not all Slytherins are evil.
House: Slytherin
Appearance: Dark brown/almost black hair, icy blue eyes, very pale, pretty short tbh, thin and lithe, very agile and is one of those people who just knows all the secret passageways and can just appear at any moment.
Other: He is a Pureblood, but blood status means nothing to him. He has some… issues with his parents to say the least, which of course you will find out later. His father in particular is kinda a problem. Also he's a Parselmouth, thought you should know. (And a prefect)


Yeah she's great. I'm sensing a friendship (or something more if you know what I mean) between Scip and Allegra


alrighty then Scip is the law abiding citizen. If this were dnd he'd either be Lawful Good or Lawful Neutral oriented probably