forum So, um, who wants to do a Harry Potter Roleplay? (OPEN)
Started by @Fraust

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"Um, well… I didn't tell you this, but I've been researching Quidditch." A pink tint rose to Scipio's pale cheeks. "You know, so I'm not always clueless when you're talking about it. I'm sure there's plenty more books I haven't read on the subject."


(Awww is this like an introvert extrovert relationship where Eleanor forces herself to be quiet and still and read bc that's what Scip does all the time)


"Well, I know that it wasn't always a Golden Snitch that Quidditch players have been catching. It used to be a small bird roughly the size of a walnut called a Golden Snidget. However, the snitch was created because forcing the Snidgett to be caught over and over was inhumane. The first ever game was played in Queerditch Marsh in about 1050, which is where its name comes from. Also, golden snitches have touch recognition so in the case of a disputed win, it is easy to figure out which Seeker laid hands on the Snitch first." It sounded as though Scipio was quoting a textbook for parts of his statements, which he likely was.


"Um, I know the players and rules of course… the longest ever recorded game of Quidditch was over three months and they had to keep bringing in new people so the players could get some sleep… there's about 700 fouls in the average game of Quidditch… I'm sure there's more, but that's what comes to mind at the moment."